EC3 Uncorks A Wild Promo On Matt Cardona And His "Loser Fans"

This is an article to promote Free The Narrative's event on May 27 at You can save 20 percent by using the code "FREEFIGHTFUL", but let's get to the good stuff.

The main event pits EC3 against Matt Cardona, after years of friendship. In what Cardona initially didn't seem to take serious, has gotten very serious. The two will fight -- knockout, tap out or pass out -- at the show. Ahead of my promotional interview with EC3, Cardona sent a question.

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"Ask him why he's called EC-three toes?"

We felt it was better to let EC3's answer go without edit.

"Okay. I’ll be honest. ‘Cause I’m transparent, open and honest. These idiots, these losers. these adolescent man-boys that love the Major Brothers Wrestling Figure Podcast and talking about toys. Toys made of—yep, one or two is cool.

So, what happened? Why am I called Three Toes? Because I did something with my life. When I was doing something with my life, my toe tendon tore. So, when my toe tendon tore I said, ‘Hey, I’m either going to work on this the rest of my life or maybe I’ll get surgery.’ Well, I met a surgeon. He said, ‘We’ll have you back in a month.’ I’m like, ‘Well, that’s not bad. I don’t hardly have to work because there’s a fucking pandemic going on. So, maybe I can take the time and take, maybe, a couple days off.’ Guess what? I didn’t take any time off. Next day I’m in the gym. Who gives a shit?

But, these idiots think it’s funny because I go reach out to D-Von Dudley’s brother, who’s detailing cars. 3-D detailing, they’re great. I bring them all the way down to Orlando. He gives me the ‘Brother Discount.’ Guess what? I still tip him a hundred dollars because I’m a man of integrity. He cleaned my car. He said, ‘Hey, man. Mind if I get a picture?’ I said, ‘You know what, I don’t know. ‘Cause I’m really nihilistic, hate machine. I don’t want people to see me driving around in a fun, cool jeep. That’s kind of weird. You know what? You’re a good guy, I’ll take a picture for you.’ But, I had sandals on and these sandals kinda scrunched up my toe.

Oh, by the way, the toe never healed right. So, I tape it up because I’m a man. I’m not a pussy like these guys. I tape this toe up to go to work and kick ass. Haven’t missed a step. I tape that toe to train legs, squat and leg press, hack squats, extensions. The whole nine yards. I tape it up to run sprints and sled pushes because I’m a man. I’m an athlete and I’m an ass kicker and I’m a psycho boy. But, that one moment, this ugly toe—it sucks, I hate it, I might sue for malpractice for how bad this toe looks and cite these assholes for personal damages because they hurt my feelings. This toe creeped up, smushed up, it looked like Sloth’s dick. It sucked. So, it was a bad picture of my toe. D-Von’s brother, he tweets it out, ‘Hey, I cleaned EC3’s car.’ Then like an idiot gaggle of goofs, ‘Ha-ha-ha, look at his toe.’ Look at your face! Your face! Look at your face! At least I can go out in public.

That’s just another story I don’t feel like telling. The thing about wrestling and moves, you have to act like this is the first time somebody’s ever seen you the whole time. Any time you perform you should act like, ‘Maybe no one’s ever seen me. So, what are the most important things I want to do?’ My fucking toe isn’t one of them. Now what would be cool, maybe, loaded toe. Loaded toe with boot.

Well, I’ll have the choice (to not tap out to a spinning toe hold). ‘Cause there’s no officiating in the Narrative. So, I will either submit, I’ll either say I give up, I’ll either go limp or I’ll pass out from the pain. I don’t know if you can pass out from the pain from a toe hold, but if you can, I may just do that. But, I won’t."

EC3 claims he hates love, but it seems as if his missions for Moose and Matt Cardona are out of love and professional respect. When pressed on that, EC3 clarified.

"I think I created a monster because when I started controlling Moose's narrative and building him into the physical powerhouse that he is. I expected him to become who he's supposed to be, but instead, he became a selfie-posing demented narcissist caring about his bodyweight and aesthetics and that's not what he is. He's a killer. That's why we brought him back into The Narrative, to find that killer and find out who Moose really is. Same thing with Matt. I do love him and respect him. I honestly believe he's a forefather of controlling your narrative in wrestling. He's a man who didn't care and took a shot. He created this whole avenue that wrestling has used to get themselves noticed with social media, YouTube, creating themselves outside of the company brand. Upon our departure from WWE, I expected him to do something more, but to me, he relegated himself to the same old shit. I know there is something more inside of him and that's why I invited him into The Narrative."

Free The Narrative takes place Thursday, May 27 and is available for two-day rental at Save 20 percent on the show with "FREEFIGHTFUL" as your code to see the Cardona vs. EC3 match, in addition to Moose, and other talent from NWA, MLW, AEW, IMPACT and several that have appeared at recent WWE tryouts.

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