More On WWE Writer Kenice Mobley Being Let Go By WWE, Backstage Reaction

WWE has already had a change to their creative team.

Fightful reported the firing of Kenice Mobley, new WWE creative member of the Raw team after her appearance on the Asian Not Asian podcast. Fightful Select reported the following of the backstage reaction within WWE of her appearance.

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As Fightful reported, writer Kenice Mobley was let go by the company after a podcast interview surfaced where she mentioned that she didn't know much about wrestling, and specifically didn't know Bobby Lashley's name. Reputable sources within WWE have reiterated constantly that fan backlash did not contribute to her being let go. Instead we're told that they actively discourage writers from speaking about the job, and several wrestlers and staffers felt disrespected by the nature in which she spoke about the wrestling business after being hired, being on the team, and not knowing who the primary characters were. Numerous across both Raw and Smackdown said that writers coming in without wrestling knowledge isn't rare, but that the early effort is made to pick it up. Mobley hasn't commented on the situation as of yet, and none of the wrestlers we spoke to had worked with Mobley directly.

Mobley made her first comments in regard to the situation on June 28, where she revealed that she was getting angry messages from WWE fans. We can confirm if you're sending an absolute stranger angry messages about something like that, you are in fact a weirdo.

Writers have been in contact with WWE noting that they usually have a non-disclosure agreement associated with the job. It's not clear if Mobley broke that NDA, or if she'd even signed it by then, but former writers have let us know that even though it's not explicitly against the rules to disclose you're working for WWE, it was actively discouraged.

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