IMPACT Wrestling Presents Knockouts Knockdown Deonna Purrazzo vs Masha Slamovich

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for IMPACT Wrestling's Knockouts Knockdown event!

- We open tonight's show with a ten bell salute for the passing of Daffney before we get a video package recapping the history of the Knockouts Division before we go to Veda Scott and Mickie James who break down the card for tonight's card.

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- We get a video package for all of the women in the Knockouts Knockdown Tournament.

Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match
Lady Frost vs Rachel Ellering

Rachel and Frost lock up several times for a clean break and a stalemate before they exchange wrist locks and Rachel gets two off of a back slide before clotheslining Frost for two and taking her down with a side headlock take over. Frost comes back with a head scissors into a kick in the corner before dropkicking Rachel through the ropes and Rachel drops her when she goes for a suicide dive before chopping her in the corner. Frost comes back with several shoulder tackles and a standing moonsault for two before going up top and Rachel hits her from behind before they exchange strikes until Rachel hits Frost with a clothesline. Frost and Rachel hit running moves in opposite corners before Rachel hits a springboard leg drop for a near fall before Frost hits a scorpion kick and Rachel counters a wheel kick into a pin attempt for two. Rachel hits a powerbomb with a jack knife cover for a near fall before Frost goes out onto the apron and hits a diving blockbuster for a near fall before Rachel catches her up top and sends her head first into the top turnbuckle. Rachel then sends Frost into the ropes and catches her coming off of them with a black hole slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rachel Ellering defeats Lady Frost via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match
Renee Michelle vs Chelsea Green

Chelsea and Renee lock up and go all around the ring until they roll around on the mat while still locked up until they break for a stalemate before they lock up again and Chelsea backs Renee onto the second turnbuckle before ripping her down. Chelsea takes Renee down to the mat briefly with a side headlock take over before Renee gets to her feet and Chelsea takes her right back down before she gets back up and Chelsea hits several arm drags. Chelsea rocks Renee with a back elbow in the corner before running into the post and Renee focuses on her now injured arm before Chelsea comes back with a pump kick and rolls Renee up for two. Chelsea clotheslines Renee repeatedly before dropping her with an enzuigiri and hitting a PK for two before Renee counters an Unprettier and drops Chelsea with a roundhouse kick for a near fall when Chelsea gets her foot on the bottom rope. Chelsea then hits the Unprettier on the second attempt for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chelsea Green defeats Renee Michelle via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match
Brandi Lauren vs Mercedes Martinez

Mercedes immediately boots Brandi and clotheslines her several times before hitting a powerslam for two before Brandi hits a snap mare and snaps the neck of Mercedes before stomping her in the corner and choking her. Mercedes then hits an avalanche Dominator when she pulls Brandi off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez defeats Brandi Lauren via pinfall.

Knockouts Knockdown First Round Match
Tasha Steelz vs Jamie Senegal

Tasha and Jamie exchange wrist locks, headlocks, and hammer locks before Jamie controls Tasha on the mat for two before Tasha backs to the ropes and sits in the corner before standing up and the two before Jamie sends her out onto the apron. Tasha kicks Jamie from the apron before locking in a rear chin lock back in the ring before catching Jamie up top and she's put in a reverse tree of woe in the ropes rather than the corner before falling onto the floor. Tasha hits a snap mare into a PK for two before raining down forearms in mount before yelling at Jamie and choking her before they exchange strikes until Jamie comes back with several ax handles and an arm drag. Jamie drops Tasha with a roundhouse kick for two before hitting a hand spring release German for a near fall before Tasha traps her in the ropes and hits several knees before hitting slingshot bulldog for a near fall. Tasha then hits a cutter for a near fall before hitting a crucifix bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz defeats Jamie Senegal via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Deonna Purrazzo (w/ Matthew Rehwoldt) vs Masha Slamovich

Deonna takes Masha down and pins her shoulders to the mat for several two counts before they grapple on the mat and Masha hits a belly to belly into a snap suplex before Deonna rolls out of the ring to regroup with Matthew at ringside. Masha teases a tope before hitting a cannonball off of the apron onto Matt before Deonna drops Masha with a boot and plays to the camera before getting back into the ring and stomping Masha as soon as she gets back inside. Deonna focuses on the arm of Masha to set up the Fujiwara before Masha comes back with a wrecking ball dropkick into a jack knife cover for two before Deonna hits a flat liner into a submission before Masha gets to the ropes for the break. Masha drops Deonna with a kick and collapses before they get to the their feet and Masha sends Deonna into the corner before hitting a jumping knee into a running kick in the corner into a running spin kick off of the ropes for two. Deonna counters a Saito into a running knee of her own into a Russian leg sweep and a Fujiwara armbar before Masha gets to her feet and hits a variation of a tombstone for a near fall. Deonna then counters a piledriver into an armbar before Masha gets to the ropes for the break before Deonna locks in the Venus de Milo and forces Masha to verbally submit for the win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo defeats Masha Slamovich via verbal submission.

Knockouts Knockdown Semifinal Round Match
Mercedes Martinez vs Rachel Ellering

Rachel and Mercedes lock up before Mercedes takes Rachel down and Rachel briefly takes her back before Mercedes gets to her feet and they exchange arm drags and side headlock take overs. Mercedes hits a snap mare into a knee to the spine before Rachel rolls her up for two before Rachel hits a drop toe hold and Mercedes dodges a basement dropkick before Mercedes hits a series of butterfly suplexes. Mercedes drops Rachel with a boot before they exchange strikes on the apron until Mercedes spears Rachel onto the apron and rolls her back inside before hitting several knees to the face for a deep two count. Rachel counters a suplex into a small package before dropping Mercedes with a kick for two before Mercedes locks in a submission and Rachel gets to the ropes for the break. Mercedes misses a kick and gets caught on the top rope before Rachel drops her repeatedly and chops Mercedes before hitting a uranage into a diving leg drop for two before Mercedes hits a spine buster for two. Rachel hits a spine buster of her own for two before hitting a black hole slam and Mercedes scrambles to the ropes and out onto the apron to avoid the pin attempt before Mercedes hits a fisherman's driver into a guillotine for the tap and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez defeats Rachel Ellering via submission to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Knockouts Knockdown Tournament Semifinal Round Match
Chelsea Green vs Tasha Steelz

Chelsea and Tasha lock up and spin around until Tasha backs Chelsea into the corner for a clean break before they do it again and Chelsea backs Tasha into the corner this time before taking each other down. Chelsea and Tasha exchange pin attempts for a series of two counts before Tasha kicks Chelsea in the midsection and chops her in the corner before they run the ropes until Chelsea hits several arm drags and a basement dropkick. Tasha rolls out of the ring to catch her breath before taking her time getting back into the ring until she makes Chelsea chase her around the ring before Chelsea sends Tasha through the ropes and hits a suicide dive. Tasha catches Chelsea with a forearm when she goes for a second dive before Tasha rocks Chelsea with a jumping knee before hitting an uppercut in the corner into a snap mare and a PK for two. Chelsea rolls Tasha up for two before hitting a neckbreaker and they end up on the apron where Tasha hits a cutter onto the apron before stomping Chelsea when she gets back inside before setting Chelsea up top. Chelsea shoves Tasha down and hits a missile dropkick before Tasha hits a crucifix bomb for a near fall before Chelsea hits the Unprettier for a near fall of her own before Chelsea hits a diving cross body for two. Tasha then drops Chelsea before Chelsea catches Tasha up top and Tasha counters an avalanche Unprettier before Tasha hits a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz defeats Chelsea Green via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

- Christie Hemme comes out to the ring to show a video package for Awesome Kong before having her come out to the ring for an interview and the announcement of her being inducted into the IMPACT Hall of Fame at Bound for Glory.

Four Way Monsters Ball Match
Kimber Lee vs Savannah Evans vs Alisha vs Jordynne Grace

Alisha and Kimber are sent out of the ring before Kimber hits Savannah with a kendo stick as Alisha hits Jordynne with a sign at ringside before Jordynne drives Alisha into the railing. Kimber knocks Alisha off of the apron when she tries to get into the ring before bringing a chair wrapped in barbed wire into the ring before Alisha sends Kimber face first into the chair she set up in the corner. Alisha hits Kimber with a pair of kendo sticks for a two count that Jordynne breaks up before hitting a running meteora in the corner to Savannah and Alisha before hitting a Vader bomb onto Savannah for two. Jordynne brings a weight into the ring before Kimber drops her with a flurry of kicks for two before Kimber dumps thumb tacks onto the mat and Jordynne hits a muscle buster onto the tacks before Kimber rolls out of the ring. Alisha then hits a flat liner to Jordynne for two before Jordynne drops Alisha onto the weight she brought into the ring before Savannah throws powder in Jordynne's face and pins Alisha with a half nelson slam.

Winner: Savannah Evans defeats Alisha, Jordynne Grace, and Kimber Lee via pinfall.

Knockouts Knockdown Finals Match
Tasha Steelz vs Mercedes Martinez

Mercedes woman handles Tasha early and tosses her around the ring with ease before beating her down in the corner and hitting a delayed suplex into several butterfly suplexes for two. Tasha comes back with strikes and a head scissors into a tornado DDT for two before Mercedes rocks her up top and hits a fireman's carry slam for two before beating on Tasha in mount. Tasha dodges a boot before Mercedes drops her face first into the top turnbuckle before stomping her in the corner and choking her before driving her shoulder into her midsection in the corner before Tasha hits a frankensteiner into a slingshot bulldog for two. Mercedes then hits an avalanche dominator for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez defeats Tasha Steelz via pinfall to win the tournament and a shot at the Knockouts title.

- After the match Gail Kim comes out and presents Mercedes the trophy for winning the tournament.

Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match
Decay (c) vs The Influence

Rosemary and Madison start the match off before Havok comes in and Decay double up on Madison before Havok throws Madison across the ring by her hair and Madison fights off a Samoan drop and tags in Tenille. Tenille reluctantly enters the ring before Havok tosses her around the ring before hitting a backbreaker into a lariat for two before Decay double up on Madison for two. Rosemary chases Kaleb around ringside before Madison clotheslines her and tosses her back inside the ring before The Influence double up on Rosemary until she gets the hot tag to Havok. Havok drops Madison repeatedly before booting her into the corner and whipping her into the opposite corner before hitting a running clothesline into a running boot and Rosemary comes back in and gets double teamed by The Influence. The referee is then distracted by Kaleb inadvertently before Havok and Rosemary hit a side Russian leg sweep spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Decay retain their Knockouts Tag Team titles by defeating The Influence via pinfall.

- We end the show with a graphic for The Inspiration who will be debuting at Bound for Glory as we go off the air.

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