Jon Moxley: 'WWE Promos F--king Suck 'Cause They Jam In 5,000 Words That Are Unnecessary'

Jon Moxley compares writing a book to the art of cutting a promo.

In present-day professional wrestling, Jon Moxley is seen as one of the premier promo cutters in the eyes of many fans. With the news that Jon will be writing a book, there was a question as to whether the natural storytelling aspect of professional wrestling would come through in the story writing.

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Speaking on a special Q&A session of Oral Sessions, Jon Moxley opened up about how he Compares book writing to his promo style.

“It's like a, kinda like a wrestling match or a promo. That's why WWE promos fucking suck, cause they jammed 5,000 fucking words in there that aren't necessary. Say what you want to say, mean what you want to say, get your point across. ‘I'm going to beat your ass on Saturday night because I don't like you,’ boom, done. Sometimes in a match, it's like, okay, we planned on all these fucking spots, but what is this story? What are we trying to get at? You're the good guy, you’re the bad guy. You're big, you're small, you're tall, you're short. Whatever the contrast of styles or the story we're telling is, why do we have all this? Sometimes you just look at it and go, you know what? We don't need all that extra shit.

“I probably wasted like a month on a bunch of shit that I just went, ‘I don't fucking need this. This is just -- I don't even know why I'm putting this in here. It fucks up the flow,’ and just, I don't know. I just shitcanned it all and wasted a month of work. Cause I was just like, it doesn't serve the purpose of the book, and I almost looked at it like an album, like you have an opening track, and you go up, and you go down, and you have like a ballad, and then you come back up or whatever, you know, and you have a close. So once I started to get a kind of get a feel for what I wanted to want it to be, it was really easy to just shitcan stuff. Not because there was nothing hiding or leaving. If I'm leaving it out it’s because it just doesn't fit.”

Elsewhere on the same podcast, Jon Moxley explains how he would react if his daughter said that she wanted to be a deathmatch wrestler. Learn more here.

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