NJPW Dominion Results: Okada/Omega II, Naito/Tanahashi II & You Need To Watch This Show Right Now!

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Dominion. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

IWGP Heavyweight Title Match: Kazuchika Okada fought Kenny Omega to a Draw, Okada retains the title

Hiroshi Tanahashi Says He Will Transition Into Full-Time Office Role With NJPW After His Retirement Match

IWGP Intercontinental Title Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Tetsuya Naito to win the title

IWGP NEVER Openweight Title Match (Lumberjack Death Match): Minoru Suzuki def. Hirooki Goto to retain the title

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. RPG Vice (Rocky Romero & Trent Beretta) to win the titles

IWGP Tag Team Title Match: Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa) def. War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) to win the titles

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Kushida def. Hiromu Takahashi to win the title

Cody def. Michael Elgin

Tiger Mask IV, Tiger Mask W, Togi Makabe & Yuji Nagata def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Manabu Nakanishi & Satoshi Kojima

NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match (Gauntlet Match): Los Ingobernables (Bushi, Evil & Sanada) (Champions) def. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi), Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano and Yoshi-Hashi), Suzuki-Gun (Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Zack Sabre Jr.) & Juice Robinson, Ricochet & Ryusuke Taguchi to retain the titles

Match By Match Recap

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Manabu Nakanishi & Satoshi Kojima vs. Tiger Mask IV, Tiger Mask W, Togi Makabe & Yuji Nagata

The match begins with Nagata doing a little work on the arm of Nakanishi, Nagata then nails Nakanishi with a series of forearm strikes. Nagata follows that up by nailing Nakanishi with a drop kick to the leg, Nakanishi recovers to drop Nagata with a clothesline. Nagata drops Nakanishi with a rolling kick before tagging Mask IV in, Mask IV and Mask W nail Nakanishi with some double team moves. Nakanishi recovers and he drops Mask IV with a flying forearm strike and a power slam, Liger tags in and he nails Mask IV with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Liger looks for a Romero Hold and Mask W attacks him from behind, Kojima tags in and he works with Liger to attack Mask IV. Mask IV recovers and he drops Kojima with a Tiger Driver, Mask W tags in and he drops Kojima with a drop kick.

Mask W misses a charge in the corner and Kojima assaults him with chops, Kojima goes to the top rope and Mask W meets him up there. Mask W is shoved off and he knocks Kojima off afterward with a pele kick, Mask W nails Kojima with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Kojima escapes a Tiger Bomb to his Mask IV with a Koji Cutter, Tenzan tags in and Mask W catches him alongside Kojima with a double pele kick. Nagata tags back in and he assaults Tenzan with some kicks, Tenzan recovers and drops Nagata with some Mongolian chops. Nagata drops Tenzan with an exploder after surviving a suplex, Nakanishi and Makabe get the tags from their respective partners. Nakanishi eventually drops Makabe with a spear, everybody hits the ring as they all start taking each other out.

Makabe eventually drops a charging Nakanishi with a lariat, Makabe then catches Nakanishi with a King Kong Knee Drop for the three count.

Winners: Tiger Mask IV, Tiger Mask W, Togi Makabe & Yuji Nagata

NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match (Gauntlet Match): Los Ingobernables (Bushi, Evil & Sanada) (Champions) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano and Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Juice Robinson, Ricochet & Ryusuke Taguchi

Part 1: Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Yoshi-Hashi)

The match begins with Ishii and Page attacking each other with shoulder tackles, Page eventually drops Ishii with a trio of strikes. Takahashi and Fale interfere before Ishii takes them both out, Ishii then drops Page with a shoulder tackle. Yoshi-Hashi and Takahashi get the tags from their respective partners, Takahashi bites the hand of Yoshi-Hashi. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he drops Takahashi with a runninh neck breaker, Fale interferes by taking out the rest of Chaos on the arena floor. Takahashi catches a downed Yoshi-Hashi with a running kick to the face for a near fall, Page tags in and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a ton of stomps in the corner. Yoshi-Hashi misses a kick and Page nails him with a pump handle slam with bridge for a near fall, Takahashi tags in and he works with Page to hit Yoshi-Hashi with some double team moves for a near fall.

Takahashi goes for Pimp Juice and Yoshi-Hashi breaks free from it to catch Takahashi with a neck breaker, Yano tags in and he immediately removes the turnbuckle pad. Yano then sends a charging Takahashi into the exposed corner, Bullet Club work together to triple team Yano for a near fall. Yano sends Page and Takahashi into the exposed corner, Takahashi and Page knock Ishii and Yoshi-Hashi out of the ring. Yano low blows and rolls up Takahashi to get the three count.

Eliminated: Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi)

Part 2: Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Zack Sabre Jr.)

The match begins with an all out brawl breaking out between everybody in the match, Yano is eventually triple teamed in the corner. Yano eventually sends a charging Sabre Jr into the exposed turnbuckle, Sabre Jr rolls up Yano from out of nowhere to get a three count.

Eliminated: Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Yoshi-Hashi)

Part 3: Suzuki-Gun (Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Juice Robinson, Ricochet & Ryusuke Taguchi

The match begins with another all out brawl breaking out between everybody in the match, Suzuki-Gun is eventually knocked out of the ring by a triple hip attack. Sabre Jr is triple teamed by all the members of the opposing team, Robinson nails Sabre Jr with a cannonball in the corner. Taichi clears the ring of both Ricochet and Robinson, Taguchi is then triple teamed by the Suzuki-Gun squad. Sabre Jr kicks away at the behind of a downed Taguchi, Sabre Jr also catches Taguchi with a series of European uppercuts. Taguchi drops Sabre Jr with a hip attack before tagging Ricochet in, Ricochet tags in Robinson as they double team Sabre Jr. Taichi hits Robinson with the bell hammer as the referee was distracted, Taichi and Kanemaru double team Robinson in the ring.

Another all out brawl breaks out between everybody in the match, Taichi nails Robinson with a kick to the head for a near fall. Taichi misses a super kick and then the referee gets distracted, Kanemaru accidentally spits whiskey into the face of Taichi. Robinson hits Taichi with Pulp Friction to get the three count.

Eliminated: Suzuki-Gun (Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Zack Sabre Jr.)

After being eliminated, Suzuki-Gun gave a beating to Juice Robinson.

Part 4: Los Ingobernables (Bushi, Evil & Sanada) (Champions) vs. Juice Robinson, Ricochet & Ryusuke Taguchi 

The match begins with Los Ingobernables triple teaming Robinson in the ring, Taguchi and Ricochet are then attacked on the arena floor. Evil then attacks Taguchi with some chairs on the arena floor, Bushi is in the ring and he is choking Robinson with his shirt. Evil and Sanada hit the ring to double team Robinson for a near fall, Bushi tags in as Robinson takes out all three members of Los Ingobernables. Ricochet tags in and he levels Sanada with a springboard drop kick, Ricochet then hits Bushi with a springboard European uppercut. Ricochet then takes out Evil and Sanada with a neck breaker/DDT combination, Sanada goes to the top rope and Ricochet meets him up there.

Evil takes Ricochet off the ropes and he knocks him out of the ring, Taguchi tags out Evil and Bushi with hip attacks. A tower of doom takes place between everybody involved in the match, Ricochet misses the Benadriller and Sanada sends him crashing into the corner. Taguchi and Bushi get the tags from their respective partners, Taguchi quickly starts attacking Bushi with hip attacks. Taguchi then catches a leaping Bushi with a punch to the balls, Taguchi nails Bushi with a double under hook slam for a near fall. Taguchi then locks Bushi in the ankle lock and Sanada eventually breaks it up, Evil takes out Robinson with a modified tiger bomb. Bushi hits Taguchi with the MX to get the three count.

Eliminated: Juice Robinson, Ricochet & Ryusuke Taguchi 

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Bushi, Evil & Sanada), still your IWGP NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champions

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: RPG Vice (Rocky Romero & Trent Beretta) (Champions) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Matt dropping Beretta with a shoulder tackle, Matt then nails Romero with a super kick for no reason. Beretta gets angry and he nails Matt with a series of strikes, Nick tags in and the Bucks nail Beretta with a double drop kick. Beretta gets up and he drops the Bucks with a double clothesline, the Bucks roll out of the ring and Beretta nails them with a suicide dive. Matt sneaks into the ring and he catches Beretta with a drop kick on the arena floor, Matt then attacks a downed Romero with an apron bomb before throwing him into the ring post multiple times. The Bucks then hit Romero with a double team apron bomb, Nick nails Beretta with a spinning kick to the head as Matt held his leg. Matt tags back in and he eventually locks Beretta in the sharp shooter, Matt then tosses Beretta into the propped up boots from Nick.

Nick tags in and the Buck attack Beretta with some double team moves for a near fall, Nick gets angry and he assaults Beretta with strikes. Matt tags back in and he nails Beretta with a few strikes, Nick tags back in and Beretta launches an interfering Matt out of the ring. Beretta then crushes Nick with a double stomp to the midsection, Beretta looks for his injured partner and Nick jumps him from behind. Beretta eventually slows Nick down by nailing him with a tornado DDT, Matt grabs a recovering Romero and he power bombs him on the entrance ramp. Nick catches a downed Beretta with a shining wizard for a near fall, Matt drags Beretta to the ring apron as Nick catches him with a running swanton bomb. Nick then hits Beretta with a 450 splash inside of the ring for another near fall, Matt tags back in and the Bucks go for More Bang For Your Buck.

Beretta blocks the hold from happening and he takes out both of the Bucks, Beretta traps Matt on the top rope and he eventually nails him with a top rope release German suplex. Beretta then hits Matt with a shining wizard and pile driver for a near fall, Beretta looks for Strong Zero and Matt breaks free. RPG Vice evntually nail Matt with a Strong Zero for the near fall, Romero tags in and he takes out both members of the opposing team. Romero then attacks the Bucks with the Forever Clotheslines, the Bucks eventually drop Romero with double forearm strikes. Romero gets back up and he levels the Bucks with a double clothesline, Romero goes for Sliced Bread and Matt nails him with a back breaker. Matt locks Romero in a sharp shooter and Beretta breaks it up, Nick hits the ring and he nails Beretta with a few super kicks.

Nick then crushes Beretta with a German suplex on the ring apron, Matt locks Romero in the sharp shooter again. Nick interferes and he crushes Romero with a rope assisted x-factor, Nick then hits Beretta with a moonsault from the ring apron. Romero eventually gets to the ropes to break the sharp shooter, the Bucks go for More Bang For Your Buck and Beretta breaks it all up. Romero catches Matt with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Nick tags in after Matt nails Romero with a back breaker. The Bucks hit Romero with an Indytaker, Nick then locks Romero in the sharp shooter and a tap out follows.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson), your new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions

More action on Page Two...

IWGP Tag Team Title Match: War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between all the competitors in the match, Tama hits Hanson with a drop kick that causes him to land on Rowe. The Guerrillas nails Rowe with double team moves to get a near fall, Roa traps Rowe in the ropes while assaulting him with strikes. Roa then levels Rowe with a clothesline, Rowe recovers by nailing a charging Roa with a uranage before tagging Hanson in. Hanson launches a charging Tama into the air so he crashes on the mat below, Hanson stacks the Guerrillas on the top rope before assaulting them with strikes. The Guerrillas recover to lay out Hanson with a series of double team moves, the Guerrillas then nail Hanson with a double headbutt.

Tama traps Hanson in the corner while nailing him with a plethora of punches, Tama follows that up by nailing Hanson with a corner splash. Hanson recovers and he crushes Tama with a running clothesline, Rowe gets the tag and he cleans house on the opposition. Rowe then levels Roa with an exploder suplex, Roa gets up and he drops Rowe with a German suplex. Rowe recovers to hit a charging Roa with a knee strike followed by a German suplex, Tama returns to drop Rowe with a flying elbow strike. Hanson gets back in the ring to attack both opponents with running clotheslines, Rowe then hits Tama with a knee strike. Roa gets up and he catches Rowe with a spear, Hanson gets up as well and he hits Roa with a whoopie cushion. Tama then takes out Hanson and all four competitors are down, Rowe and Tama have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Roa attacks Rowe from behind to nail him with a blue thunder driver, Roa then catches Rowe with a diving headbutt and then Tama catches Rowe with a top rope splash for a near fall. Hanson returns to the ring and he kicks Roa right in the face, War Machine then hit Tama with Decapitation for the near fall. War Machine set up for their finisher and Roa winds up catching Hanson with a suplex, Tama then catches Rowe with something for a near fall. The Guerrillas go for Guerrilla Warfare and Hanson breaks it all up, Rowe power bombs tama and Hanson catches him with a top rope splash for a near fall. Hanson also catches Roa with a suicide dive during the pin attempt, Tama then counters a War Machine move to hit Hanson with a stun gun. Tama then shoves Rowe into the referee to take him out, Tama grabs a chair and Rowe hits him with a knee strike.

Roa grabs another chair and he levels an unsuspecting Rowe with it, Rowe is then hit with Guerrilla Warfare for the three count.

Winners: Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa), your new IWGP Tag Team Champions

Michael Elgin vs. Cody

The match begins with Cody jumping Elgin and he nails him with a few strikes, Elgin quickly drops Cody. Cody gets up and Elgin crushes him with a forearm strike, Cody gets up after punching Elgin and then he drops him with a suplex. Elgin gets right back up and he drops Cody with a delayed verticle suplex, Cody rolls out of the ring and Elgin follows him out there. Elgin slams Cody on the ringside edge before pushing him back into the ring, Elgin follows that up by chopping Cody a few times. Elgin traps Cody in the corner before assaulting him with a series of strikes, Elgin places Cody on the top rope while looking for a superplex and Cody escapes. Cody eventually catches a charging Elgin with an Alabama slam, Cody then decides to just stomp away on a downed Elgin.

Cody then cracks Elgin with a few drops followed by a drop kick to the leg, Cody tries dragging Elgin to the mat before catching him with a knee strike. Elgin tries fighting back and Cody drops him with a back body drop, Cody follows that up by nailing Elgin with a springboard drop kick. Elgin gets angry and he quickly drops an attacking Cody with a uranage, Elgin then catches a dazed Cody with a forearm strike and a slam. Elgin then crushes Cody with a slingshot splash before taunting him, Elgin follows that up by nailing Cody with a few German suplexes. Elgin then lays out Cody with a falcon arrow for a near fall, Elgin traps Cody in the corner before nailing him with a running clothesline.

Cody recovers by nailing Elgin with a few strikes followed by a top rope moonsault, Elgin quickly recovers to hit Cody with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Elgin and Cody have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Cody trips up Elgin before locking him in the trailer hitch. Elgin eventually gets to the bottom rope to break the hold up, Elgin rolls to the ring apron and Cody catches him with the Beautiful Disaster. Cody the traps Elgin in the ropes before nailing him with a DDT for a near fall, Elgin recovers to drop Cody with a lariat. Cody rolls to the ring apron and Elgin tries suplexing him back into the ring, Cody escapes to hit Elgin with Cross Rhodes for the three count.

Winner: Cody

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Hiromu Takahashi (Champion) vs. KUSHIDA

The match begins with the two having a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, the two battle into the ropes and nobody gains an edge. Kushida eventually knocks Takahashi out of the ring with forearm strikes, the two have another striking exchange on the arena floor. Takahashi throws Kushida into the ring and the two have yet another striking exchange, Takahashi then propels a charging Kushida into the corner. Takahashi then catches Kushida with a running clothesline followed by a drop kick for a near fall, Kushida tries fighting back and Takahashi drops him with a forearm strike. Takahashi slows things down a little bit by holding Kushida in a chin lock, Kushida breaks free and Takahashi catches him with a tiger bomb followed by a falcon arrow for a near fall.

Kushida tries fighting back and Takahashi rips away at his eyes, Kushida goes to the ring apron and Takahashi attempts a sunset bomb. Kushida counters the sunset bomb into an arm bar for a short time, Kushida then tosses Takahashi over the barricade. Kushida sits Takahashi on a chair before assaulting him with more strikes, Kushida then leaps off one chair to nail a seated Takahashi with a drop kick that puts Takahashi through another barricade. Kushida throws Takahashi back into the ring before kicking away at his arm, Kushida goes for a handspring elbow strike and Takahashi nails him with a German suplex. Takahashi then hits Kushida with a modified Time Bomb for a near fall, Takahashi then places Kushida on the top rope.

Takahashi goes to the top just as Kushida escapes and Kushida nails him with a handspring kick to the face, Kushida goes back up and he locks Takahashi in the Hover Board Lock. Kushida drags Takahashi off the ropes while maintaining the Hover Board Lock, Kushida releases the hold and failed at a Back To The Future attempt. Kushida eventually cracks Takahashi with a pele kick before eating a lariat, Takahashi drags Kushida to the ring apron and Kushida looks for a sunset bomb. Takahashi goes back in the ring as the two exchange a few kicks, Takahashi recovers to nail Kushida with a sunset bomb on the arena floor. Takahashi throws Kushida back into the ring and he nails him with a death valley driver into the corner, Takahashi goes for the Time Bomb and Kushida rolls him up for a near fall.

Takahashi then hits Kushida with a running clothesline before putting him on the top rope, Kushida then hits Takahashi with a Back To The Future from the top rope. Takahashi and Kushida meet on their knees while having another striking exchange, the wrestlers get to their feet while exchanging more strikes. The competitors both eventually go down due to exhaustion, Kushida traps the arms of Takahashi with stomping away on him. Kushida then locks Takahashi in the Hover Board Lock and a tap out follows.

Winner: Kushida, your new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion

After the match, Bushi jumped Kushida from behind as Kushida was giving his victory speech.

Final bouts are on Page Three...

IWGP NEVER Openweight Title Match (Lumberjack Death Match): Minoru Suzuki (Champion) vs. Hirooki Goto

The match begins with Goto working over the arm of Suzuki, Suzuki tries to do some damage to the arm of Goto as well. Suzuki and Goto have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Goto eventually drops Suzuki with a shoulder tackle. Suzuki rolls out of the ring and Chaos throws him back in, Suzuki then decides to just assault Goto with knee strikes. Suzuki kicks Goto out of the ring and Suzuki-Gun throws him back in, Suzuki and Goto have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki traps Goto in the ropes before locking him in an arm bar, Suzuki-Gun jumps Goto on the arena floor and that leads to a huge brawl between the lumberjacks. Suzuki then kicks Goto in the face before tossing him in the barricade, Suzuki picks up a piece of the barricade to hit Goto with it.

The lumberjacks toss Goto back into the ring so Suzuki can lock him in an arm bar, Suzuki continues working over the arm of Goto. Suzuki then throws Goto out of the ring so his lumberjacks can attack him, Suzuki continues beating up Goto on the arena floor. Suzuki throws Goto back into the ring while mocking those at the announce table, Goto eventually drops a charging Suzuki with a clothesline. Goto then catches a cornered Suzuki with a sinning heel kick followed by a Saito suplex, Goto goes to the top rope to hit Suzuki with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Suzuki recovers and he nails Goto with a kick to the face, Goto gets back up and he nails Suzuki with a clothesline.

Suzuki and Goto have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Suzuki eventually drops Goto with a series of forearm strikes. Goto recovers to hit a charging Suzuki with a Yoshi Hiroshi, Suzuki gets up and he throws Goto into the referee. A huge brawl breaks out between the lumberjacks in the ring, Suzuki then locks Goto in the rear naked choke, Goto escapes and Suzuki decides to lock him in the guillotine choke. Goto escapes and he nails Suzuki with a reverse GTR followed by a second GTR for a near fall, Taichi interferes and he takes out the referee. Goto continues attacking Suzuki as Taichi interferes to nail him with several chair shots, Suzuki drops Goto with a drop kick. Suzuki follows that up by nailing Goto with a Gotch Pile Driver for the three count.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki, still your IWGP NEVER Openweight Champion

IWGP Intercontinental Title Match: Tetsuya Naito (Champion) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

The match begins with Tanahashi jumping Naito during his entrance, Tanahashi then tosses Naito into the barricade. Naito recovers and he tosses Tanahashi into the barricade as well, Tanahashi and Naito have a striking exchange on the arena floor. Naito tosses Tanahashi into the ring, Tanahashi gets up and he drop kicks Naito off the ring apron and into the barricade. Tanahashi throws Naito in the ring before mauling him with strikes in the corner, Naito also cracks Tanahashi with some strikes in the corner. Naito eventually drops Tanahashi before catching him with a drop kick, Tanahashi rolls to the arena floor and Naito works over his injured arm.

Naito follows that attack up by crushing Tanahashi with a tornado DDT on the arena floor, Naito brings Tanahashi back into the ring while still working over his arm. Naito rips away at the arm of Tanahashi by locking him in a modified arm bar, Tanahashi tries fighting back and Naito works over his injured arm again. Tanahashi gets mad and he levels Naito with a German suplex followed by a series of punches, Tanahashi and Naito have a forearm strike exchange in the middle of the ring. Tanahashi eventually gets Naito to the ground by nailing him with a dragon screw leg whip, Naito recovers and he eventually nails Tanahashi with a missile drop kick. Naito wraps the arm of Tanahashi around the top rope while damaging it further, Naito places Tanahashi on the top rope.

Tanahashi escapes and Naito quickly attacks him arm again, Naito goes for a drop kick and Tanahashi counters with a dragon screw leg whip near the ropes. Tanahashi drags Naito to the ring apron before nailing him with another dragon screw leg whip, Tanahashi catches Naito with High Fly Flow on the arena floor. Tanahashi throws a downed Naito back into the ring and he tries locking him in the Texas cloverleaf, Naito gets angry and he drops Tanahashi before drop kicking him in his injured arm. Naito traps Tanahashi in the corner before nailing him with a slingshot drop kick, Naito then locks Tanahashi in a modified rings of Saturn. Naito follows that up by nailing Tanahashi with a pump handle side slam for a near fall, Tanahashi recovers and drops Naito with a sidewalk slam.

Tanahashi goes back to the top rope and Naito meets him up there, Naito lands a top rope hurricarana and Tanahashi surprises him with a roll up for a near fall. Tanahashi then levels Naito with a pair of spinning neck breakers, Tanahashi then misses the follow up High Fly Flow attempt. Naito goes for Destino and Tanahashi blocks it from happening, Tanahashi and Naito have a slap exchange in the middle of the ring. Tanahashi then catches Naito with a straight jacket suplex for a near fall, Naito recovers to crush Tanahashi with a tornado DDT from out of nowhere. Naito follows that up by dropping Tanahashi with a German suplex, Naito then cracks Tanahashi with a reverse tornado DDT for a near fall.

Naito goes for Destino and Tanahashi counters with a dragon suplex followed by multiple sling blades, Tanahashi nails Naito with a High Fly Flow for a near fall. Tanahashi quickly applies the Texas cloverleaf to a downed Naito and Naito eventually taps out after a long struggle.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, your new IWGP Intercontinental Champion

IWGP Heavyweight Title Match: Kazuchika Okada (Champion) vs. Kenny Omega

The match begins with Omega working over the arm of Okada, Okada drops Omega and Omega almost catches him in an arm bar. Omega kicks Okada in the shoulder in order to get back up, Omega eventually drops Okada with a shoulder tackle. Omega and Okada go through a series of reversals and nobody gets the clear advantage, Okada eventually drops Omega with a shoulder tackle of his own. Okada goes for a slingshot swanton and Omega gets his knees up, both competitors go for their finisher and they both get blocked. Okada drops Omega with a neck breaker before applying the chin lock, Omega gets up and he knocks Okada out of the ring with a hurricarana.

Omega looks for a suicide dive and Okada knocks himout of the ring with a boot to the face, Okada catches Omega with a suicide dive and he hurts his knee in the process. Omega brings Okada into the ring and he focuses on his injured knee, Omega nails Okada with an atomic drop to the knee followed by a springboard drop kick to the knee. Omega slows things down by holding Okada in the figure four leg lock, Okada eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Omega drags Okada out of the ring before smashing his knee on the ring apron, Omega drags Okada near the commentary station and he smashes his knee onto the commentary table. Omega eventually drags Okada back into the ring and he continues working on his injured knee, Omega traps the leg of Okada in the ropes before nailing him with a knee drop to his injured knee.

Omega then kicks away at the injured knee of Okada, Okada gets up and he eventually catches a sliding Omega with a drop kick. Okada follows that up by planting Omega with the flapjack, Okada follows that up by dropping Omega with a few running elbow strikes. Okada trips up Omega before applying a modified STF to him, Omega eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Okada drags Omega out of the ring before throwing him over the first barricade row, Okada then dives onto Omega and both go through the next set of barricades. Okada throws Omega into the ring before going to the top rope, Okada dives off while connecting with nothing.

Okada then crushes Omega with a modified neck breaker after escaping a roll up, Okada goes for a top rope elbow drop and Omega gets out of the way. Omega then crushes Okada with a pump handle back breaker and Okada rolls to the arena floor, Omega makes him pay by crushing Okada with a drop kick. Omega catches a dazed Okada with an Asai moonsault on the arena floor, Omega throws Okada back into the ring and he nails him with a missile drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Omega follows that up by catching Okada with a doctor bomb for another near fall, Omega sets up for the One Winged Angel and he nails Okada with a Finlay Roll instead.

Okada blocks the follow up moonsault from Omega before cracking him with an European uppercut, Omega and Okada have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Omega climbs to the top rope and Okada meets him up there, Okada propels Omega off the ropes and Omega lands on his feet. Omega goes back up and Okada knocks him right back off again, Omega goes back up again and Okada knocks him off yet again. Omega chops Okada and he goes back up to the top rope again, Okada takes Omega off again before nailing him with a death valley driver on the ring apron. Okada then nails Omega with a shotgun drop kick and Omega crashes into the barricade at ringside, Okada grabs a table and he sets it up on the outside of the ring.

Omega finds a way back into the ring and Okada follows him in there, kada looks to put Omega through the table and Omega continuously counters him. Omega looks for a springboard drop kick and Okada catches him with a drop kick of his own, Okada crushes Omega with a top rope elbow drop. Okada sets up for the Rain Maker and Omega quickly breaks free, Omega eventually places Okada on the top rope and he drops him with a modified superplex for a near fall. Omega starts focusing his attack on the neck of Okada, Omega eventually catches Okada with a knee trigger after escaping a German suplex. Okada blocks the next knee trigger and he nails Omega with a few German suplexes.

Okada nails Omega with the Rain Maker and he just gets a near fall on him, Okada goes for a drop kick and Omega counters with a sit out power bomb. Omega and Okada have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Omega eventually drops Okada with a snap dragon suplex. Okada recovers to put Omega on the top rope and then drop kick him off that top rope, Okada follows Omega out of the ring and he places him on the previously set up table. Okada nails Omega with a top rope elbow drop that puts both through the table, Okada throws Omega back into the ring and he catches him with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Okada gets up and he clobbers Omega with a series of running drop kicks, Omega tries fighting back against Okada.

Okada then crushes Omega with a Rain Maker and then he hits him with another one, Okada takes his time while just walking around the ring. Cody comes out and he is arguing with the Young Bucks about throwing the towel in for Omega, the rest of Bullet Club hits the ring as well. Omega gets up and he nails Okada with a knee trigger followed by a reverse hurricarana, Okada then catches a charging Omega with a drop kick, Omega escapes the Rain Maker to hit Okada with a series of knee triggers. Okada escapes a One Winged Angel to eat another knee trigger instead, Omega hits Okada with a One Winged Angel for a near fall.

Okada then cracks Omega with another Rain Maker from out of nowhere, Omega and Okada have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Omega then crushes a dazed Okada with a snap dragon suplex, Okada quickly recovers to nail Omega with a drop kick. Okada then cracks Omega with a few more forearm strikes, Omega returns the favor by landing some as well. Omega then drops Okada with a pair of knee strikes for a near fall, Omega crushes a cornered Okada with a knee trigger to the back of the head. Okada escapes a One Winged Angel to nail Omega with a tombstone pile driver, Okada goes for the Rain Maker and Omega collapsed at the right time to make Okada miss the move.

Okada goes for another tombstone pile driver and Omega blocks it, Omega drops Okada then nails him with a few knee strikes right to the face. Okada recovers to nail Omega with a drop kick to the back of the head, Okada then hits Omega with a tombstone pile driver. Okada catches Omega with a German suplex for a near fall, Omega catches Okada with a small package before eating another drop kick. Okada goes for the Rain Maker and Omega gets to the ropes to block it, Omega then crushes Okada with a snap dragon suplex. Okada recovers to hit Omega with a drop kick and the Rain Maker and the bell rings to signify a draw.

Winner: Draw (Okada retains the IWGP Heavyweight Title)

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