AEW Dynamite 6/3/20 Results: Two Title Matches, FTR Speaks, Chris Jericho vs. Colt Cabana & More

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Hiroshi Tanahashi Says He Will Transition Into Full-Time Office Role With NJPW After His Retirement Match

- Highlights of last week's edition of AEW Dynamite are shown.

AEW Tag Team Championships
Kenny Omega & Hangman Page (c) vs. Jimmy Havoc & Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

The match begins with Omega backing Havoc into the corner before applying a headlock, Havoc backs Omega into the ropes before landing a few strikes. Omega fires back and Ford interferes a short time later, Havoc nails a distracted Omega with an elbow strike. Omega leaps into the air and Havoc trips him up, Sabian tags in and he stomps away on Omega before landing a back elbow strike a short time later. Havoc tags back in and he nails a cornered Omega with more strikes, Omega fights back and he nails Havoc with a spinning suplex. Page tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Page nails Havoc with multiple clotheslines. Omega tags back in and he nails the back of Havoc with an axe handle smash, Page tags in and he double teams Havoc with Omega. Sabian interferes and he eats a double fall away slam, Ford interferes and Page blocks her from landing a top rope hurricarana. The referee then sends the interesting Ford backstage, Havoc grabs a wrench and he attacks the champions with it while the ref was distracted.

Havoc misses a charge in the corner and Page attacks Sabian a short time later, Havoc corners Page before landing more strikes. Sabian interferes and he kicks Page in the back of the head, Sabian tags in and he stomps away on a downed Page. Sabian uses a baseball slide drop kick to knock Page out of the ring, Havoc attacks Page before getting him back in the ring. Havoc tags in and he rakes the eyes of a downed Page, Sabian tags back in and he attacks Omega with a drop kick. Sabian then hits a trapped Page with a penalty kick, Page gets angry before attacking Havoc and Sabian. Omega tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Sabian fights back and he nails Omega with a pump kick. Omega recovers and hits both opponents with hurricaranas, Omega then hits Sabian with a back stabber for a near fall. Page tags in and he double teams Sabian with Omega, Page nails Sabian with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Havoc grabs a saw and Page prevents him from using it, Page then takes out Havoc with a dive.

Page follows up by nailing Sabian with a clothesline for a near fall, Havoc interferes and Page knocks him to the arena floor. Omega tags in and he misses a charge into the corner, Sabian nails Omega with a tornado DDT. Havoc tags in and he nails Omega with a death valley driver onto a trapped Page, Sabian tags in and he nails Omega with a top rope double stomp. Havoc tags in and he nails Omega with a package DDT for a near fall, Page hits the ring and Sabian knocks him out of it. Sabian then hits Omega with an enziguri, Sabian and Havoc then double team Page on the arena floor. Sabian then hits Omega with a springboard drop kick and poison rana, Havoc tags in and Omega shoves him into Sabian before landing a snap dragon suplex on Havoc. Sabian interferes and Omega nails him with a V Trigger, Page tags in and he attacks the cornered opposition alongside Omega. Page nails Sabian with a pop up power bomb before Omega lands a knee strike, Page and Omega hit Havoc with The Last Call for a three count.

Winners: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page, still the AEW Tag Team Champions

- Highlights are shown of the emotionally charged talk that Tully Blanchard gave Shawn Spears earlier this week.

- Tully Blanchard is shown with Shawn Spears in a vehicle earlier today, Blanchard brings in a box and he opens it for Spears. Spears takes a black glove out of the box and he puts it on.

- Highlights are shown of the pull apart last week between Chris Jericho and Mike Tyson, plus the AEW Dynamite debut of Brian Cage.

Brian Cage w/Taz vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with Cage attacking Dean with multiple shoulder thrusts and an arm trap belly to belly suplex, Cage then hits Dean with a pump handle x-factor. Dean tries leaving the ring and Cage suplexes him back into it, Cage follows up by nailing Dean with a buckle bomb and Drill Claw for a three count.

Winner: Brian Cage w/Taz

After the match, Taz grabs a microphone and he talks about speaking with Brian Cage earlier today about confronting AEW Champion Jon Moxley last week. Taz says he didn’t like the way Moxley acted last week, Taz says this isn’t a game for him and Cage. Moxley interrupts and he makes his way to the ring, Taz warns Moxley to be careful when coming to the ring. Moxley says he is happy to be facing Cage at FyterFest, Moxley calls Cage impressive and he is different from everybody else in AEW. Moxley gives Cage a final warning before leaving the ring.

- Alex Marvez interviews Lance Archer & Jake Roberts, Archer says his first loss in AEW means nothing to him. Archer says he will show everybody pain why Roberts tries calming him down.

- Highlights are shown of Matt Hardy helping an injured Marq Quen on last week’s AEW Dynamite.

- Private Party are shown at an undisclosed location earlier today when Matt Hardy arrives, Hardy checks on the healed up Quen. Hardy calls Private Party the future of tag team wrestling in AEW, Hardy compares them to him and his brother. Hardy offers his assistance to Private Party, Private Party pitches a Hardy Party to Matt and he seemingly accepts. Hardy runs into Sammy Guevara in a hallway and Hardy says he respects him.

- Highlights are shown of Cody winning the AEW TNT Championship, followed by highlights of Jungle Boy becoming the top contender to the title.

- Highlights are shown from The Inner Circle’s pep rally from last week, followed by highlights from Chris Jericho’s confrontation with Mike Tyson.

- Highlights are shown from a confrontation last week between Chris Jericho and Colt Cabana.

Chris Jericho w/Sammy Guevara & Jake Hager vs. Colt Cabana

The match begins with Cabana attacking Jericho with a bunch of strikes, Jericho fights back and he nails Cabana with strikes of his own. Cabana lands more strikes against Jericho before sending him out of the ring, Cabana exits the ring to attack Jericho with more strikes. Cabana uses a springboard moonsault to take Jericho and Hager out, Cabana then smashes Jericho face first into the timekeepers table. Hager interferes and he knocks Cabana back to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Jericho attacking Cabana with more strikes while he was trapped in the ropes. Jericho also chokes Cabana in the corner before landing more strikes, Cabana fights back and Jericho drops him with a back elbow strike. Jericho corners Cabana again while landing some more strikes, Cabana fights back again and he sends a charging Jericho into the corner. Cabana then gets into a striking exchange with Jericho, Cabana ends the exchange by nailing Jericho with a clothesline and some more strikes.

Cabana follows up by nailing Jericho with a Flying Apple and middle rope splash for a near fall, Jericho recovers and he drops a charging Cabana with a back elbow strike. Jericho misses a Lionsault and Cabana nails him with an elbow strike, Cabana goes for Superman and Jericho counters to get him in the Walls Of Jericho. Cabana gets to the ropes to break the submission from Jericho, Cabana fights back against Jericho before landing a head scissors takedown. Cabana gets Jericho on the top rope before landing a hurricarana for a near fall, Cabana also rolls up Jericho for a near fall. Jericho nails Cabana with a Judas Effect from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Chris Jericho w/Sammy Guevara & Jake Hager

After the match, Chris Jericho gets a microphone and he tells everyone to respect him, Jericho says the same thing he did to Colt Cabana will happen to Mike Tyson. Jericho says he wants to taste the blood of Tyson, Jericho calls out Tyson and Orange Cassidy comes out instead. Cassidy then makes Jericho put his hands in his pockets before doing the same himself, Cassidy avoids an attacking Jericho and Hager before meeting Best Friends in the crowd.

- Highlights are shown from the first hour of AEW Dynamite.

- A video package shows Dr. Britt Baker rehabbing her knee injury.

Big Swole vs. Nyla Rose

The match begins with Swole getting Rose in a headlock, Rose gets free and Swole gets her in another headlock. Swole looks for a takedown and Rose avoids it before finally going down, Swole catches Rose in a roll up for a near fall. Swole attacks Rose with shoulder tackles and Rose stays on her feet, Swole then gets a charging Rose in an abdominal stretch. Rose gets free and she nails Swole with a hip toss, Swole recovers and she sends a charging Rose out of the ring. Swole misses a kick from the ring apron and Rose trips her up, Rose then backs Swole into the ring edge before getting her back into the ring as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rose nailing Swole with a back breaker, Rose goes for a splash afterwards and Swole gets her knees up. Swole gets up and she attacks Rose with a bunch of strikes, Swole corners Rose before getting sent to the ring apron. Swole then hits Rose with a springboard cutter for a near fall, Swole keeps Rose on her knees while landing strikes. Rose fights back and Swole drops her with a pump kick for a near fall, Rose sends a charging Swole back to the ring apron.

Swole gets back in the ring and she nails Rose with a chop block followed by a knee strike, Rose recovers and she nails a charging Swole with a spear. Rose goes for a Beast Bomb and Swole counters with a roll up for a near fall, Swole sends Rose face first to the mat below. Swole goes for Dirty Dancing and Rose counters with a spine buster for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose

After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Big Swole, who says it is good to be back in action and Dr. Britt Baker has Rebel drive her cart into the barricade. Swole grabs a chair and Baker makes her escape.

- Tony Schiavone interviews Darby Allin, who says life is one big joke and he’ll get the last laugh on Brian Cage.

- Tony Schiavone interviews FTR, with both members of the team saying FTR stands for whatever they want it to be. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler talk about the tag teams competing in AEW, Harwood says becoming tag team champions is their ultimate goal. Harwood and Wheeler say facing The Young Bucks isn’t a dream match for them, Wheeler says he would rather punch The Bucks in the mouth instead of having a dream match with them. Wheeler says he wants zero doubt when there is a winner between them and The Bucks, Harwood says everybody will have to apologize to them and call them the best. The Butcher & The Blade crash the interview and a bunch of security gets between everybody, FTR says they can settle their differences in the ring.

- Alex Marvez interviews Colt Cabana, who says that he has shown that he can hang with the big guys in AEW. Brodie Lee and Dark Order approach Cabana and he offers to help Cabana, a Dark Order member gives Cabana a bottle of water.

AEW TNT Championship
Cody (c) w/Arn Anderson vs. Jungle Boy

The match begins with Cody scoring a takedown on Boy, Boy gets up and Cody takes him down with a headlock. Boy gets free and Cody drops him with a shoulder tackle, Boy recovers and he nails Cody with a hurricarana before rolling him up for a near fall. Cody and Boy exchange some strikes in the corner, Cody catches a leaping Boy and he lands a power slam for a near fall. Cody keeps Boy down while stomping away on his injured knee, Cody then gets Boy in a figure four leg lock. Boy eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Boy goes to the ring apron as Cody misses a Disaster Kick. Boy then hits Cody with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Cody leaves the ring and Boy nails him with a suicide dive. Cody catches a diving Boy and he throws him into the Gunn Club as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Cody attacking Boy with a headbutt on the arena floor. Cody goes for another headbutt and he winds up nailing the stage wall, Boy then argues with MJF while Cody recovers.

Boy turns away from MJF to get Cody back into the ring, Boy then attacks the busted open Cody with a bunch of strikes. Cody fights back and Boy nails him with a drop kick for a near fall, Boy also rolls up Cody before eating a pump kick to the head. Boy recovers and he nails Cody with a clothesline for a near fall, Boy mounts Cody while attacking him with more strikes. Boy goes to the top rope and Cody nails him with a drop kick, Cody then goes to the top rope and he nails Boy with a delayed vertical superplex for a near fall. Cody goes back to the top rope and Boy meets him up there, Boy and Cody fall off the top rope and through a table on the arena floor. Boy gets back in the ring and he catches Cody on a roll up afterwards for a near fall, Cody then hits Boy with a Cross Rhodes for a near fall.

Winner: Cody w/Arn Anderson, still the AEW TNT Champion

After the match, Cody & Jungle Boy embrace while a bunch of wrestlers check on them.

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