Evolve 80 Results: Two Titles Are On The Line, Plus Fightful's Matt Riddle & Jason Kincaid Compete

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for Evolve 80. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

You can see the full results below.

Lee Moriarty Captures ROH Pure Title From Wheeler Yuta At ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024

Evolve Title Match: Zack Sabre Jr. def. ACH to retain the title

Evolve Tag Team Title Match: Catch Point (Tracy Williams & Fred Yehi) def. Michael Elgin & Donovan Dijak to retain the titles

Drew Galloway def. Matt Riddle

Ricochet def. Keith Lee

Timothy Thatcher w/Stokely Hathaway def. Chris Dickinson

Lio Rush def. Jaka & Jason Kincaid

Ethan Page w/The Gatekeepers def. Austin Theory

The Gatekeepers w/Ethan Page def. Black, Blonde & Neon

Match By Match Recap

Drew Galloway is in the ring as the show begins and he grabs the microphone from Lenny Leonard, then sends him and the ring announcer from the ring. Galloway says this is no ordinary weekend and these are the biggest shows in the company’s history, Galloway welcomes everybody to the show and says that he’s the only person he can trust to do things right. Galloway puts over the fans who attend these shows during wrestling week and they are helping make the sport grow.

Galloway says last year during wrestling week, he started a war of good versus evil and there is only one obstacle left in Matt Riddle. Galloway says that nobody understands what is really going on right now, also saying that Riddle shouldn’t be the face of the company. Matt Riddle makes his way to the ring as Galloway continues ranting on the microphone, the match between the two is up first.

Drew Galloway vs. Matt Riddle

The match begins with Galloway attacking Riddle with a headbutt before the bell sounds, Galloway then attacks Riddle with a series of punches before trapping him in the corner. Riddle fights back by nailing Galloway with chops and kicks, Riddle then hits a charging Galloway with a pele kick and a release northern lights suplex. Galloway rolls to the arena floor and Riddle follows him out there, Galloway drops Riddle with a boot to the midsection before standing on his feet. Riddle fights back and the two have a forearm strike exchange, Galloway then drops Riddle on the barricade. Galloway removes the mat from the arena floor and then he places Riddle on top of the ring steps, Galloway slams Riddle on the ringside edge while standing on the ring steps.

Galloway picks up Riddle and he drops him on top of the barricade again, Galloway and Riddle get into a chopping exchange on the arena floor. Riddle recovers to nail Galloway with a Go To Sleep on the arena floor, Riddle finds a table and he sets it up on the arena floor. Riddle follows up his attack on Galloway by kicking him in the midsection, Riddle nails Galloway with a few knee strikes before putting him on the table. Riddle sets up for a dive and Galloway trips him up on the ringside edge, Galloway stands over Riddle and stomps on his head. Galloway then pile drives Riddle from the ringside edge through the table on the arena floor, Galloway throws Riddle into the ring and he just gets a near fall on the pin attempt.

Galloway then crushes Riddle with a Future Shock DDT and a pile driver to get the three count.

Winner: Drew Galloway

After the match, Drew galloway attempts to do more damage to Matt Riddle, but Chris Dickinson and Jaka come out to help their friend.

Chris Dickinson vs. Timothy Thatcher w/Stokely Hathaway

The match begins with Thatcher taking down Dickinson, Dickinson quickly locks Thatcher in the head scissors. Thatcher breaks free and both wrestlers roll for leg locks, Dickinson reapplies the head scissors to Thatcher. Thatcher breaks free and he briefly locks Dickinson in a single leg Boston crab, Dickinson breaks free and he locks Thatcher in the Trailer Hitch. Thatcher breaks free and he gets a quick pin attempt on him, Dickinson gets up and he kicks Thatcher in the chest. The wrestlers lock up again and Thatcher nails Dickinson with a few European uppercuts, Dickinson gets mad and drops Thatcher before kicking him in the back.

Thatcher trips up Dickinson before wrenching on his leg, Dickinson mounts Thatcher before attacking him with hard strikes. Dickinson gets up and he locks Thatcher in the pendulum hold, Dickinson carries Thatcher to the corner while holding him in the pendulum hold to smash his head into the turnbuckles. Dickinson then crushes Thatcher with a curb stomp in the corner, Thatcher gets up and Dickinson attacks him with more kicks. Thatcher catches the leg of a kicking Dickinson and he locks him in the ankle lock, Thatcher mounts Dickinson and he attacks him with forearm strikes. Thatcher picks up Dickinson and he nails him with a gut wrench suplex for a near fall, Thatcher hits Dickinson with a few more punches before getting another near fall.

Thatcher traps Dickinson in the ropes to assault him with a forearm strike, Dickinson gets made and the two have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Thatcher regains control by catching Dickinson with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall, Thatcher goes for a sleeper hold and Dickinson counters with a Saito Suplex. Dickinson traps Thatcher in the corner before nailing him with a few running clotheslines, Thatcher recovers and Dickinson winds up nailing him with a release German suplex for a near fall. Dickinson sets up for a power bomb and he winds up chopping Thatcher instead, Dickinson then cracks Thatcher with an enzaguri. Thatcher counters a hold from Dickinson to lock him in the sleeper hold to force a tap out.

Winner: Timothy Thatcher w/Stokely Hathaway

Jaka vs. Jason Kincaid vs. Lio Rush

The match begins with Jaka attacking Kincaid as the bell sounds, Jaka then sends Rushright to the arena floor. Kincaid then sends Jaka to the arena floor after landing a head scissors takedown, Rush then drops Kincaid and knocks him outside the ring with a series of kicks. Rush looks for a suicide dive and Jaka catches him with a clothesline instead, Jaka then nails Rush with some chops and a bunch of stomps. Kincaid eventually drags Rush out of the ring and Jaka nails both of them with a suicide dive, Jaka brings Kincaid into the ring for a pin attempt. Jaka catches Kincaid with an exploder suplex and a roaring elbow, Rush returns to the ring and Jaka knocks him back to the arena floor. Kincaid then hits Jaka with a slingshot neck breaker followed by a knee strike for a near fall, Rush and Kincaid exchange suplex attempts until Jaka interferes.

Jaka German suplexes Kincaid as Kincaid suplexes Rush into the ring, all three wrestlers are on their knees and exchanging strikes. Then all three wrestlers get up and continue exchanging strikes, Rush and Kincaid start double teaming Jaka until Rush nails Kincaid with a series of kicks. Jaka then nails Rush with a spinning heel kick for a near fall, Kincaid uses a hurricarana to knock Jaka to the arena floor. Rush then hits a charging Kincaid with a boot to the face, Rush then nails Kincaid with a reverse hurricarana before going to the top rope. Jaka meets Rush on the top rope and Kincaid eventually goes up there as well, Kincaid nails Rush and Jaka with a double hurricarana from the top rope.

Kincaid gets near falls on both of his opponents during separate pin attempts, Jake attacks both of his opponents with headbutts and chops. Jake eats a double forearm strike before dropping both opponents with a double clothesline, Rush and Kincaid then nail Jaka with a double super kick. Kincaid then cracks a swinging Rush with an enzaguri, Rush then hits a charging Kincaid with Rush Hour. Rush then hits Jaka with a suicide dive, Rush follows that up by hitting Kincaid with Dragon’s Claw to get the three count.

Winner: Lio Rush

After the match, Jason Kincaid remains in the ring doing some kind of prayer/mantra chant.

More action on Page Two...

Black, Blonde & Neon (Facade & Michael Richard Page) vs. The Gatekeepers (1 & 2) w/Ethan Page

The match begins with Gatekeeper 1 nailing Façade with a knee strike and chops, Façade recovers and he nails Gatekeeper 1 with an enzaguri. Façade goes to the top rope to nail Gatekeeper 1 with a double jump kick to the face, Gatekeeper 1 catches a charging Façade and he nails him with a Boss Man Slam. Gatekeeper 2 tags in and Page gets the tag as well, Gatekeeper 2 nails a charging Page with a lariat followed by a choke bomb. Gatekeeper 1 tags in and they hit Page with their version of the Demolition Device for the three count.

Winners: The Gatekeepers w/Ethan Page

After the match, Ethan Page grabs the microphone and says that the show we are watching tonight is a part of the “Era Of Ego.” Page says that he has been causing chaos in this company for over a year now, Page then demands to be in the Evolve Title picture. Page then tells Austin Theory to get out here so he can beat him real fast.

Ethan Page w/The Gatekeepers vs. Austin Theory

The match begins with Page powering Theory into the corner before taunting him a little bit, Theory gets mad before nailing Page with a forearm strike and a running clothesline. Theory then hits a downed Page with a slingshot stomp to the face, Theory goes to the top rope and Page throws him off to the mat after catching him with a punch. Page picks up Theory before dropping him with a single punch, Page traps Theory in the corner before assaulting him with chops. Page follows that up by catching Theory with a back body drop, Theory grabs his leg and Page attacks him immediately. Theory tries fighting back and Page drop kicks him in his hurt leg, Page also cracks Theory with a few knee strikes.

Page decides to slow things down by holding Theory in the chin lock, Theory fights back and he drops Page with a leaping kick to the face. Page regains control and he places Theory on the top rope, Theory recovers by catching Page with a somersault drop kick. Page rolls out of the ring and Theory catches him with a suicide dive, Theory throws Page back into the ring before catching him with a Code Red for a near fall. Page then nails a charging Theory with a boot to the face, Theory recovers and catches Page with a rolling blockbuster for a near fall. Page rolls to the ring apron and he drops Theory with a clothesline, Page then hits Theory with RK Ego for a near fall.

Page looks for an exploder suplex and Theory fights back before nailing him with a forearm strike, Page kicks a swinging Theory in the head. Page then cracks Theory with a super kick followed by a bicycle kick, Page then hits Theory with a uranage for the three count.

Winner: Ethan Page w/The Gatekeepers

After the match, Ethan Page grabs the microphone and he demands that Austin Theory leave the ring, which he does. Page promises to continue bringing the chaos to Evolve, but then Priscilla Kelly comes to the ring. Kelly walks around Page until a bunch of face painted medics carry a bodybag to the ringside area. The Gatekeepers lay out the face painted medics as the bodybag lay in the ring, The Gatekeepers then destroy whatever is in the bodybag before throwing it outside the ring and onto the face painted medics. The Gatekeepers bring the bodybag back into the ring as Page waits, The Gatekeepers then prop the bodybag in the corner. One of The Gatekeepers opens the bodybag and Darby Allen pops out of the thing. Allen attacks all three men with a metal pole until they retreat to the aisle, Allen grabs the microphone and he says there will never be an "Era Of Ego" as long as he is alive. Allen challenges Page to an Anything Goes Match for tomorrow at Evolve 81 and Page accepts. 

Keith Lee vs. Ricochet

The match begins with Lee powering Ricochet into the corner and then placing him on the top rope, Ricochet gets off the top rope and he tries taking Lee down to no avail. Ricochet then attacks Lee with a few drop kicks and Lee barely stumbles, Ricochet then attacks Lee with a few leg kicks before applying the headlock. Lee then nails a charging Ricochet with a drop kick of his own, Lee traps Ricochet in the corner before attacking him with some chops. Lee then tosses Ricochet clear across the ring, Lee grabs the feet of Ricochet and he propels him out of the corner for a near fall. Lee then just simply stands on the midsection of Ricochet while holding the ropes, Lee again tosses Ricochet clear across the ring.

Lee follows Ricochet around the ring while just stomping on him, Ricochet starts fighting back and then he catches a charging Lee with boots to the face. Ricochet then drops Lee with a top rope hurricarana, Lee charges again and Ricochet trips him up into the turnbuckles. Ricochet then hits Lee with a 619 and springboard European uppercut, Lee rolls out of the ring and Ricochet goes for a suicide dive. Lee catches a diving Ricochet, Ricochet quickly escapes and he nails Lee with a super kick before dropping him with a second suicide dive. Ricochet eventually throws Lee back into the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Ricochet tries to pick up Lee and Lee fights back.

Ricochet starts attacking Lee with a series of strikes until Lee drops him with a shoulder tackle, Lee then attacks the back of Ricochet with a few strikes. Lee goes for a power bomb and Ricochet escapes to catch him with an ace crusher followed by a Code Red for a near fall, Ricochet tries picking up Lee again and Lee escapes before dropping him. Lee goes for a power bomb and Ricochet nails him with a reverse hurricarana, Ricochet then hits Lee with a Benadriller and a kick to the head. Ricochet continues to just kick Lee in the head to get a near fall, Ricochet goes to the top rope and he misses a shooting star press. Lee quickly goes for a choke slam and Ricochet counters with a stunner, Ricochet and Lee have a forearm strike exchange until Ricochet goes down.

Ricochet gets back up and they have a forearm strike exchange again until Ricochet goes down again, they have another forearm strike exchange until Ricochet goes down again. Lee drills Ricochet with a Spirit Bomb for a near fall, Lee goes to the top rope and he misses the moonsault attempt. Ricochet then hits Lee with a springboard 450 splash for a near fall, Ricochet then hits Lee with a shooting star press for another near fall. Ricochet goes back to the top rope and he goes for another shooting star press and Lee catches him, Ricochet escapes and he nails Lee with a series of kicks. Ricochet drops Lee with a 360 kick to the head before going to the top rope, Ricochet then hits Lee with a 630 splash for the three count.

Winner: Ricochet

Rest of the card is on Page Three...

Evolve Tag Team Title Match: Catch Point (Tracy Williams & Fred Yehi) w/Chris Dickinson & Jaka (Champions) vs. Michael Elgin & Donovan Dijak

The match begins with Elgin powering Williams into the corner before letting him go free, Williams then puts Elgin into the corner before exchanging forearm strikes. Williams then nails Elgin with a headbutt to the midsection, Williams starts wrenching on the arm of Elgin before applying a front face lock. Elgin breaks free and Williams locks him in a full Nelson afterwards, Elgin breaks free and he drops Williams with a shoulder tackle. Elgin and Williams have a striking exchange that Elgin wins, Williams catches Elgin in an arm bar while tangling himself in the ropes. Williams lets go of the move and the two wrestlers have a stare down, Yehi and Dijak get the tags from their partners.

Yehi and Dijak get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Yehi then causes Dijak to stumble after landing a shoulder tackle. Dijak catches Yehi with a knee strike before tossing him across the ring, Yehi then cracks a charging Dijak with a drop kick. Yehi goes to the middle rope and he nails Dijak with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Williams tags in and he teams with Yehi to hit Dijak with a double suplex. Elgin interferes and he gets hit with a double team back suplex, Williams is eventually brought out of the ring by Elgin and he is planted on the ringside edge. Dijak then tosses an interfering Yehi out of the ring as well, Dijak then hits both of his opponents with a suicide dive.

Dijak brings Williams back into the ring before tagging Elgin in, Elgin catches Williams with a slingshot splash for a two count. Elgin follows that up by catching Williams with a back breaker and some fore arm strikes to the back, Elgin then plants Williams with a delayed vertical suplex. Dijak tags back into the match and he nails Williams with a back breaker followed by a senton for a near fall, Williams tries fighting back and Dijak slams him before missing a middle rope splash. Elgin tags in and Williams nails him with a dragon screw leg whip, Yehi tags in and he immediately nails Elgin with a series of strikes. Dijak tries interfering and Yehi sends him to the arena floor, Yehi nails a kneeling Elgin with a drop kick for a near fall.

Elgin recovers and he levels Yehi with an enzaguri to the head, Williams tags in and he teams with Yehi to hit Elgin with a missile drop kick into a German suplex. Elgin is in the corner before both wrestlers exchange clotheslines, Elgin then hits Williams with a falcon arrow. Dijak tags in and he nails Williams with a rope assisted drop kick followed by a release suplex, Dijak then nails Williams with a running boot to the face before putting him on the top rope. Dijak follows Williams to the top rope and Williams quickly knocks him to the mat below, Dijak gets up and he goes back to the top rope. Williams catches Dijak with a DDT on the top turnbuckle followed by a suplex for a near fall, Elgin hits the ring and he throws Yehi out of the ring. Dijak hits Williams with a discus kick followed by a moonsault for another near fall, Dijak goes for Feast Your Eyes and Williams counters into an ankle lock.

Dijak breaks free and then Williams locks him in the cross face, Elgin breaks it up by kicking Williams in the face. Yehi hits the ring and he throws Elgin out of the ring, Elgin grabs Yehi and he brings him out of the ring before tossing him into the barricade. Elgin returns to the ring and he clobbers Williams with a lariat, Elgin then power bombs Williams onto the knee of Dijak for a near fall. Yehi hits the ring and he gets taken out by a series of double team moves by his opponents, Elgin then hits Williams with a middle rope Elgin Bomb. Dijak then hits Williams with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Elgin then hits Williams with a buckle bomb. Dijak goes for his finisher and Yehi interferes, Yehi causes Elgin to accidentally hit Dijak before he takes out Elgin with a flip pile driver. Williams and Yehi hit hit Dijak with a double team power bomb for a near fall, Williams locks Dijak in the cross face and Dijak taps out.

Winners: Catch Point (Tracy Williams & Fred Yehi) w/Chris Dickinson & Jaka, still your Evolve Tag Team Champions

After the match, Larry Dallas hits the ring and he asks members of Catch Point where they were when Matt Riddle was being beaten by Drew Galloway. Tracy Williams says that he is insulted that Dallas was even asking them any questions, Fred Yehi says he looks forward to fighting Riddle tomorrow. Williams says Dallas doesn;t belong here and Dallas leaves the ring, Chris Dickingson demands that his team gets a title shot wagainst the other members of Catch Point. 

Evolve Title Match: Zack Sabre Jr. (Champion) vs. ACH

The match begins with ACH quickly knocking Sabre Jr. out of the ring with a drop kick, Sabre Jr. gets to the ring apron and ACH drops him with another drop kick. ACH then hits a dazed Sabre Jr. with a running kick before throwing him back into the ring, ACH hits Sabre Jr. with a neck breaker for a near fall. ACH twists the head of Sabre Jr. before nailing him with a knee drop for a near fall, Sabre Jr. gets a little momentum by locking ACH in the octopus hold. ACH breaks free and Sabre Jr. just attacks him with a series of kicks, Sabre Jr. picks up ACH and he attacks him with more kicks. Sabre Jr. drops ACH before attacking his arm with a series of submission holds, ACH rolls to the arena floor to gather his thoughts.

ACH returns to the ring and Sabre Jr. again wrenches on his arm, Sabre Jr. then locks ACH in a modified octopus hold. Sabre Jr. drops ACH before twisting is neck with his feet, Sabre Jr. lets ACH stand up before letting him purposely attack him with chops. Sabre Jr. trips up ACH before bending his legs in unnatural ways, Sabre Jr. traps ACH in the corner before nailing him with a few strikes. Sabre Jr. then bends the arm of ACH in ways that an arm shouldn’t be bent, Sabre Jr. then stomps on the bent arm of ACH. Sabre Jr. follows that up by attacking ACH with European uppercuts, Sabre Jr. and ACH exchange blows until Sabre Jr. lands a suplex.

ACH nails a charging Sabre Jr. with a series of drop kicks and then a double stomp, ACH then cracks Sabre Jr. with a middle rope Code Breaker for a near fall. Sabre Jr. fights back before ACH nails him with a modified neck breaker for a near fall, Sabre Jr. looks for a guillotine choke and ACH immediately blocks it. ACH goes for a slingshot stunner and Sabre Jr. catches him in a triangle choke, ACH breaks the hold by getting to the ropes. Sabre Jr. nails ACH with a Penalty Kick after the two go through a series of reversals, Sabre Jr. hits ACH with a head and back suplex for a near fall.

ACH catches a charging Sabre Jr. with a back elbow strike before going to the top rope, Sabre Jr. meets him up there and ACH knocks him to the mat below. Sabre Jr. slaps ACH and he goes back to the top rope to lock him in a guillotine choke, ACH breaks free and he nails Sabre Jr. with a top rope double stomp. ACH follows that up by hitting Sabre Jr. with a pair of lariats, Sabre Jr. quickly counters with a roll up on ACH. ACH escapes and he catches Sabre Jr. with a dead lift German supelx for a near fall, the wrestlers get to their knees and exchange strikes. The wrestlers get to their feet and they exchange more strikes, Sabre Jr. then hits ACH with a series of running European uppercuts.

Sabre Jr. then catches ACH in the guillotine choke and he he releases it to hit him with a Penalty Kick, ACH recovers and he nails Sabre Jr. with a Buster Call for a near fall. ACH goes for a 450 splash and Sabre Jr. catches him in a triangle choke, Sabre Jr. transitions to a double arm bar to force a submission.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr., still your Evolve Champion

Zack Sabre Jr. grabs the microphone and he thanks everybody for coming, he then says that shows like Evolve all for all kinds of wrestling fans. Michael Elgin hits the ring and he talks about the Evolve Title before attacking Sabre Jr.

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