IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Results 3/15 Feast or Fired, Rosemary vs Taya Valkyrie, Matt Sydal Reveals His Spirit Guide, Austin Aries Interview & More!

This is the live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV. Tonight Taya Valkyrie faces Rosemary, we have an interview with Austin Aries, Matt Sydal reveals his spiritual advisor and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

Fallah Bahh vs Sami Callihan

NXT North American Title Match Between Tony D'Angelo And Oba Femi At NXT Halloween Havoc To Be Decided By Pinfall

Bahh knocks Sami back repeatedly to start the match before knocking him out of the ring. Bahh drops Sami with a shoulder block before sending him back out of the ring and up the ramp. Sami gets back in and Bahh hits a running cross body before Sami comes back and beats him down in mount. Sami gets a quick two count after dropping him with a right hand, then puts him in a rear chin lock that Bahh powers out of. Sami chops Bahh repeatedly, but it just angers him before he hits Sami with chops and a running splash in the corner before hitting another splash onto the mat for a quick two count.

Sami tries to knock Bahh over with a series of lariats, but gets hit with a Samoan drop for his troubles, then Sami catches Bahh on the top before hitting a Samoan drop of his own for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan defeats Fallah Bahh via pinfall with a Samoan drop.

-After the match oVe go to attack Bahh before Eddie Edwards comes out and sends them away with a baseball bat as we see the damage Sami did to his eye two weeks ago with a baseball bat.

-We get a sit down interview with Austin Aries where he talks about his career, winning the IMPACT Global Championship and more before he's interrupted by Alberto El Patron. Alberto says that he respects Austin and tries to bribe him with food and alcohol before Austin leaves as we go to commercial.

-Kongo Kong and Jimmy Jacobs come out to the ring before they're interrupted by James Mitchell who talks about his "son" Abyss and the destruction he's caused and what he will do to Kong. Abyss comes out to the ring and exchanges strikes with Kong before sending him over the top with a clothesline as we go to commercial.

Rosemary vs Taya Valkyrie

Rosemary tackles Taya and beats on her to start the match before she rolls out of the ring, then Rosemary hits a diving spear off of the apron. They get back in the ring and Rosemary chops her in the corner before she misses a spear in the corner and Taya comes back with a series of arm drags. Rosemary gets out of the way in the corner before hitting a release German suplex, then Taya comes back with a series of strikes all the while playing to the crowd. Taya chops Rosemary before she counters the tarantula and puts Rosemary in a submission that she fights out of. They counter each other until Taya smashes Rosemary's face into the mat and misses a moonsault off of the top.

Rosemary clotheslines Taya over the top rope and beats on her at ringside before Taya comes back and hits her with the Road to Valhalla on the stage as we get a double count out.

Winner: No Contest due to double count out.

-Matt Sydal comes out to the ring and talks about his spiritual advisor before it's revealed to be Josh Matthews. Josh gives Matt a mask of his spirit animal before Matt gives Josh the IMPACT Grand Championship as we go to commercial.

Feast or Fired Match

Everyone brawls to start the match before going outside and leaving Moose and Eli in the ring before they get out of the ring and Taiji and Raju exchange strikes until Petey comes in and takes them both out. Everyone goes for a briefcase before the high fliers hit a series of topes to the outside, then Petey hits a codebreaker into the Canadian destroyer to Trevor and subsequently getting the briefcase labeled as number two as we go to commercial.

Moose hits several moves to everyone in the ring as we come back from commercial, then Moose gets number four before EC3 grabs number three and the match ends when Eli Drake gets the final briefcase.

Winner: EC3, Eli Drake, Moose & Petey Williams

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