IMPACT Wrestling vs Lucha Underground Results

This is the live coverage for IMPACT Wrestling vs Lucha Underground at WrestleCon on their Twitch channel! It is WrestleMania weekend, but the other promotions aren't going to give up and this show reflects that as the stars of IMPACT Wrestling take on the stars from Lucha Underground in a historic collaboration of promotions. In our main event IMPACT World Champion Austin Aries will team up with Fenix against the team of Alberto El Patron and Pentagon Jr, Eddie Edwards takes on Sami Callihan who will wrestle as his Lucha character Jeremiah Crane in an I Quit Match, Allie defends her Knockouts Championship against Taya Valkyrie and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for all of the action!

Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Jack Evans & Matanza vs Caleb Konley, Moose & Matt Sydal

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They brawl to start the match before it's Moose and Matanza left in the ring, the two exchanging strikes before Matanza drops Moose and Moose sends him out of the ring. Everyone gets in the ring and hits a move until Caleb and Jack go at it only for Caleb to send him out of the ring and Matanza to send Caleb out of the ring. Moose and Matanza exchange strikes before Jack, Caleb and Matt hit topes to the outside. Jack rolls Matt back in the ring and hits a springboard roundhouse kick before hitting a standing phoenix splash for a quick two count. Moose turns Jack inside out with a spear before Jack counters Go to Hell and drops Moose with a back elbow.

Matanza then picks up the pin and the win for his team with Wrath of the Gods to Caleb.

Winner: Matanza, Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Jack Evans defeat Moose, Caleb Konley & Matt Sydal via pinfall when he pins Caleb with the Wrath of the Gods.

Knockouts Title Match

Allie (c) vs Taya Valkyrie

Taya overpowers Allie to start the match, mocking her and playing to the crowd before Allie repeatedly tries to knock her over only to be clotheslined for her troubles. Taya stomps on Allie in the corner before missing a splash, then Allie comes back with a series of deep arm drags and a running cross body for a quick two count. Taya hits a leg drop for a quick two count before they exchange chops until Taya drops Allie and pulls her hair while playing to the crowd. Taya beats Allie down before she comes back with a side Russian leg sweep and a series of forearms before hitting a dropkick in the corner for a near fall. Taya comes back with a release German suplex and a series of running clotheslines in the corner before finishing with a series of running knees in the corner for a very close near fall. 

Allie then gets a near fall off of a DDT before hitting a backstabber into a codebreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Allie retains her Knockouts title by defeating Taya Valkyrie via pinfall with a codebreaker.

oVe vs Scott Steiner & Teddy Hart

Teddy is in control of both Crist brothers to start the match before oVe come back and start double teaming Teddy. oVe are in control for majority of the match as Scott looks on, dying to get in the ring, finally getting in when Teddy comes back with a code red and tags Scott in. Scott hits a high angle back drop to Dave before suplexing him, then Jake tags in and gets caught coming off of the top. Scott hits a flat liner and a fall away slam before forcing Dave to tap out with the Steiner Recliner.

Winner: Scott Steiner & Teddy Hart defeat oVe via submission when Scott submits Dave with the Steiner Recliner for the tap.

Andrew Everett, Dezmond Xavier & DJ Z vs King Cuerno, Aerostar & Drago

Andrew and Drago start the match at a rapid pace before Drago rolls out of the ring and tags Aerostar in just as DJ tags in. They exchange flips and go back and forth until DJ sends Aerostar out of the ring and tags Cuerno in, Dezmond tagging in as well. Cuerno and Dezmond take turns posing before Dezmond dropkicks him for a quick two count, then Cuerno overpowers Dezmond and beats on him in the corner with kicks and knees before Dezmond drops and sends him out of the ring with a back elbow. Cuerno catches Dezmond when he goes for a tope before Dezmond hits a cutter out of nowhere and tags Z in. Everyone takes turns diving to the outside before Andrew hits a missile dropkick to Cuerno when he goes for a suicide dive.

Drago superkicks Andrew before Andrew and Z hit a series of moves including a 450 splash for a near fall that Aerostar breaks up. Aerostar hits a rolling cutter to Z before Dezmond hits a 619 and a back flipping Pele kick, then everyone hits a move before Cuerno forces Andrew to tap out with a reverse figure four for the tap and the win.

Winner: King Cuerno, Aerostar & Drago defeat Andrew Everett, Dezmond Xavier & DJ Z via submission when Cuerno submits Andrew with a reverse figure four.

Trevor Lee vs Marty the Moth

B ends up having Marty the Moth come out and wrestle instead of him before Marty immediately goes after Lee and sends him out of the ring and beats on him at ringside and up the ramp. They get back in the ring Lee takes control until Marty comes back with a series of clotheslines and goes for the Moth-Ra only for Lee to capitalize and counter into a roll up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trevor Lee defeats Marty the Moth via pinfall with a roll up.

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match

LAX (c) vs Killshot & The Mack

Ortiz and Killshot start the match off by countering each other until Ortiz sends Mack off of the apron and tags Santana in, the two double teaming Killshot before Santana beats him down in the corner with a series of punches and stomps. Killshot catches him coming in and drops him with a series of kicks before tagging Mack in. Mack easily overpowers Santana before Santana hits a huricanrrana. Mack hits a running splash in the corner before dropping Santana with a jumping clothesline and tagging Killshot back in. Killshot and Mack double team Santana and keep him isolated in their half of the ring until Santana counters a dead lift German suplex into a cutter and he and Ortiz hit a series of double team moves to Mack for a near fall.

Mack comes back with a pop-up punch into a t-bone suplex before everyone gets in the ring and hits a move, then Mack and Killshot double team Santana in the corner for a very close near fall that Ortiz breaks up. Mack and Killshot hit a doomsday device sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before LAX come back with a series of double team moves for a near fall of their own. LAX then hit a variation of poetry in motion before hitting 5150 for the pin and the win.

Winner: LAX retain their IMPACT Tag Team Championship by defeating Killshot & The Mack via pinfall with 5150.

-Brian Cage vs Eli Drake

Drake gets on the mic and talks for five straight minutes before and during the match until Brian drops him repeatedly, then Eli comes back and manages to keep Cage down by dropping him across the top rope and hitting a series of neckbreakers for a quick two count. Brian fights out of a headlock before dropping Eli with a series of shoulder tackles only for Eli to hit a powerslam and play to the crowd. They counter each other until Brian hits a spinning neckbreaker and a release German suplex before Brian hits a superplex for a near fall. Eli hits a superplex of his own for a near fall before Brian gets a near fall off of a discus lariat. Brian then counters the Gravy Train into Weapon X for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Cage defeats Eli Drake via pinfall with Weapon X.

I Quit Match

Eddie Edwards vs Jeremiah Crane

Eddie attacks Jeremiah at ringside before the match can get started and tosses him into the railing repeatedly before Crane powerbombs Eddie onto the apron. Crane attacks Eddie with a wrench before tossing him into the railing, then they exchange chops before Eddie comes Crane with the wrench. Crane accidentally chops the ring post before Eddie throws chairs at him and tosses him into the railing repeatedly. Crane comes back with an enzuigiri and a clothesline that sends Eddie off of the apron when he rolls him back into the ring before Crane tosses chairs into the ring. Eddie suplexes Crane onto the apron before tossing him back into the ring and sending him into a chair he set up in the corner.

Eddie throws chairs at Crane repeatedly before hitting the Boston Knee Party with a chair after Crane flips him off. Jeremiah sends Eddie into a chair with a DVD before putting a chair around his neck and choking him with it. Jeremiah gets a piece of the railing and brings it into the ring before setting it up in the corner and gets powerbombed onto it for his troubles. oVe come out and distract Eddie before Crane hits him with a chair, then Crane gets a baseball bat out from under the ring before killing the referee. Don Callis then comes out and throws in the towel for the stoppage.

Winner: Jeremiah Crane defeats Eddie Edwards via forfeit.

Austin Aries vs Fenix vs Pentagon Jr.

Before the match it's announced that the tag match will now be a triple threat match.

Everyone hits a move to start the match before Fenix tosses Austin out of the ring, then sends Pentagon out of the ring before Austin hits a missile dropkick. Austin hits an elbow drop to the back of his neck for a quick two count before Pentagon kicks Austin when he's in midair and plays to the crowd. Fenix comes back on out of nowhere before sending Pentagon out of the ring, all three men taking turns and hitting topes out of the ring before Austin and Fenix counter each other until Fenix hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall. Pentagon hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Austin hits a 450 splash for a near fall, then Austin locks in the Last Chancery before Fenix breaks it up. Austin locks in another Last Chancery that Pentagon breaks up before Fenix and Pentagon double team Austin momentarily while playing to the crowd. 

Pentagon gets a near fall off of a powerbomb after sending Austin out of the ring, then picks up the pin and the win with the Pentagon Deicer.

Winner: Pentagon Jr. defeats Austin Aries & Fenix via pinfall with the Pentagon Driver to Fenix.

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