NXT Stand & Deliver (4/1/2023) Results: Bron Breakker vs Carmelo Hayes, Dragon Lee & More Compete.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 4/1/2023 edition of NXT Stand & Deliver on Peacock & the WWE Network (Internationally).

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NXT North American Title Match Between Tony D'Angelo And Oba Femi At NXT Halloween Havoc To Be Decided By Pinfall

Here's what is set for the show.


NXT Stand & Deliver (4/1/2023).

  • NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams).
  • Unsanctioned Match: Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller.
  • NXT Women's Championship - Ladder Match: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Zoey Stark vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Indi Hartwell.
  • NXT North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh vs. Axiom.
  • NXT Women's Tag Team Championship Match: Kiana James & Fallon Henley (c) vs. Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre.
  • NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed) vs. Tony D’Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo.
  • Winner Gets Control of Chase University: Schism (Joe Gacy, Jagger Reid, Rip Fowler, Ava Raine) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail) & Tyler Bate.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

Kick-Off Show Match: Winner Gets Control of Chase University.

Schism (Joe Gacy, Jagger Reid, Rip Fowler, Ava Raine) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail) & Tyler Bate.

Fowler & Chase began the match locking up before Fowler hit a shoulder tackle, but Chase responded with a hip toss. Fowler knocked Chase down before tagging in Reid. Chase neutralized Reid before Bate came in hot and hita diving uppercut on Reid. Hudson did a blind tag, but Hail tagged in. Raine & Hail were in the ring, but Raine tagged Gacy instead. Gacy attacked Chase and hit a Spinning Uranage on Chase before hitting the Chase U Stomps, but Chase caught him and hit a series of punches. Bate & Chase double teamed Gacy before Bate hit a standing shooting star on Gacy for a near fall. Raine & Hail finally tagged in, with Rocky Maivia's daughter dominating the proceedings before hitting a snap-suplex for a near fall. Hail regained some control and hit a running uppercut and a Butterfly suplex before connecting a rolling senton & a springboard senton on Raine for a near fall, broken up by Reid. Reid & Bate tagged in, but Fowler did a bind tag to allow The Dyad to dominate the proceedings briefly on Bate. Fowler continued to layout Bate, but Bate HIT a deadweight suplex on Fowler. Chase tagged in and came in for the hot tag, but was stopped by The Dyad. Hudson had enough of this and immediately took out all members of The Dyad while Hail attacked Raine. Hail was pulled by Reid, but Hail responded with an Asai Moonsault/ Tornando DDT on Reid. Bate & Gacy exchnaged holds before Hudson accidentally booted Bate in the face, which allowed Gacy to hit the Upside Down Lariat on Bate for a near fall. The action broke doen before Chase U & The Dyad were in the ring. Gacy gifted Hudson a T-Shirt, which Hudson put on to the shock of the audience and Chase U. Chase U & The Schism stood toe-to-toe, btu Hudson ripped the shirt apart before everyone exchanges strikes, which Chase U hitting the Bop & Bang punches and the Chase U Stomps on all members of The Dyad. Bate & Hail hit Dives on Gacy & Fowler before Chase & Hudson hit a Gory Stretch/ Flatliner combo for the pinfall win.

Winners: Chase U (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail) & Tyler Bate.

Main Broadcast.

Vic Joseph, Booker T, Pete Rosenberg & Fightful's own Denise SSalcedo welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.

NXT Women's Championship - Ladder Match.

Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Zoey Stark vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Indi Hartwell.

The match began with all participants looking at the title before Dolin, Stark, Stratton & Perez brawled inside while Hartwell and Lyra brawled on the outside. Stark laid out Dolin, but Perez took out Stratton & Stark with uppercuts before hitting a Thesz Press on Hartwell. Perez hit a Tope on Hartwell on the outside before getting a ladder, but Stratton wiped her out with a slide onto a ladder. Dolin laid out Stratton & Stark with kicks before getting a ladder inside the ring, but was greeted with a slide from Stark onto a ladder. Stratton went for a Hurricanrana on Stark, but Stark landed on her feet before Hartwell laid them out with a double-clothesline. Stratton & Stark tried to lay out Hartwell with slides, but Hartwell lifted he ladder and slammed it onto them before Lyra caught her with a leaping dropkick. Lyra got Perez cornered with a ladder before she hit a suplex on Dolin onto the ladder. Stark & Hartwell brawled before Hartwell went to attack Stratton, btu Stratton got Indi in a Catapault before Stark hit a Blockbuster on Stratton.

Lyra tried to climb the ladder, but Stark attacked her. Stark went for a monkey flip on Lyra, but Lyra got on her feet and climbed the ladder again. Stratton & Lyra were laid out by Stark, btu Hartwell sent Stark to the outside. Hartwell & Stratton climbed to the ladder, but Perez confronted Stratton on the ladder before Hartwell took them off the ladder. Hartwell tried to climb, but Dolin got Hartwell and slammed her onto the ladder. Dolin got a ladder on her neck and did a helicopter with the ladder, taking out everyone before hitting a back drop on Lyra onto a ladder. Dolin placed Lyra on the ladder upside down before Stark hit a running cross-body on Lyra onto the ladder. Dolin got the ladder and tried to climb, but Stratton got her and hit the Rolling Thunder onto a ladder. Perez came to the ring and immediately climbed to the ladder, but Stratton met her on top before the two went crashing down to the mat. Stratton hit a cartwheel elbow on Perez onto a ladder, but Hartwell hit a Spinebuster on Stratton onto a ladder. Hartwell tried to climb again, but Stark caught her with a thrust kick before ramming the ladder on Indi's abdomen. Hartwell tossed Stark on the apron, but Stark caught her with an enziguri kick before connecting an Inside Out Senton Atomico on Hartwell onto a ladder. Stark climbed the ladder, but Perez got Stark's ankle and tried to hold her with her weight to succesfully drop her. Stark went for the Belly-to-back GTS, but Perez caught her and hit the Pop Rox on Stark. Stratton came to the ring, but Perez tossed Stratton to the outside with a Hurricanrana. Perez climbed the ladder, but Dolin caught her and slammed Perez onto the ladder before hitting a Abdominal Stretch Bomb on Perez.

Lyra & Dolin brawled in the ring before Lyra hit a running dropkick on Stark onto Hartwell into a ladder. Lyra climbed the ladder, btu Dolin attacked Lyra and got her hanging on the ladder upside down. Dolin climbed the ladder, but Lyra met her there before Dolin tossed Lyra to send her crashing onto the mat. Dolin was going to get the title, but was stopped by a returning Jacy Jayne, who hit a forearm strike to drop Dolin to send her crashing onto a ladder. Stratton saw the opening and climbed the ladder, but Hartwell saw this and immediately dumped Stratton onto the the pile of participants on the outside. Hartwell climbed the ladder all by herself, but was not able to do it twice. That was until Dexter Lumis came from under the ring and helped Hartwell out to climb the ladder, allowing Hartwell to retrieve the NXT Women's Title and become the NXT Women's Champion!

Winner AND NEW NXT Women's Champion: Indi Hartwell.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile) vs. The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo).

Julius, Coffey & D'Angelo began he match brawling before Wolfgang, Brutus & Stacks tagged in. Julius tagged in before Julius dropped Stacks, but Coffey broke he pin. Stacks& Julius attacked Coffey before he got Stacks in an Inside Cradle, but Julius hit a slam on Stacks for a near fall. The Family laid out the field after as the y brawled on the outside, but Brutus & Julius laid everyone out with dives. Julius & Brutus hit an assisted Fairytale Ending on Wolfgang. Back in the ring, Brutus hit a Gut Wrench toss on D'Angelo, a Torture Rack Facebuster on Coffey, and went for a dive, but Coffey caught him with a knee lift before he took out D'Angelo. Coffey & Wolfgang hit a double-Uranage on Brutus before Wolfgang hit a body slam on D'Angelo for a near fall. Wolfgang & D'Angeo exchanged strikes before Julius tagged and tossed everyone that came in his way to fire up the crowd. Stacks tagged in and hit a lariat and a springboard lariat on Julius before hitting a double-stomp on Coffey, a senton on Wolfang, tossed Brutus onto the stairs, and got back in the ring with a diving cross-body on Julius for a near fall. Julius got Stacks on the apron before Coffey got Stacks in an Electric Chair, but Julius carried both in an Eletric Chair before he & Brutus hit the Doomsday Ball on the three. Back in the ring. The Family laid out Julius before Stacks hit a diving headbutt on Julius for a near fall. D'Angelo laid out everyone on sight to set Stacks for the pin, but everyone kicked out. Stacks & D'Angelo hit a Double Back Suplex on Coffey, bu was stopped by his brother Joe Coffey making his NXT Return. The Gallus Boys saw the opportunity and hit Stacks with a Boot Kick/ F5 Combo for the pinfall win.

Winners AND STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang).

- Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson were in front of Bron Breakker's locker room. They were going to knock on his door, but refused to do so.

NXT North American Championship Match.

Wes Lee (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh vs. Axiom.

The NA Title scramble began with the challengers cornering Lee, but that was when Dragon Lee jabbed McDonagh in the face. Axiom took out Dragunov before the two masked men & Wes exchanged holds. Axiom & Wes slammed each other in the face before Dragunov & McDonagh attacked them both, with Dragunov hitting some vicious Machine Gun Chops on Axiom. Dragunov & McDonagh locked eyes before Dragon Lee attacked them both. Dragon Lee hit a Hurricanrana on McDonagh before hitting a leaping dropkic and a boot on McDonagh. Dragon Lee hit a leaping kick on Dragunov int he corner before hitting Shibata Dropkicks on Dragunov & McDonagh. Dragon Lee evaded Axiom before the two locked eyes. The two ran the ropes before Dragon Lee caught Axiom with a dropkick before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Axiom & Wes Lee on the outside. Back in the ring, Wes Lee & Dragon Lee had a battle of the Lees before Wes hit a leaping enziguri, an overhead snap-mare, and a series of kicks on Dragon Lee. Dragunov went for a back suplex on Wes, but Wes landed on his feet before hitting a Hurricanrana and a kick on Dragunov. Wes went for a Tope on McDonagh, but McDonagh walked it off as Wes landed on his feet, but Wes hit a thrust kick on McDonagh.

Wes had the match dominated, but McDonagh laid him out before attacking everyone on sight, finishing with an Dorada Special on Dragunov & Axiom to the outside. JD hit a Spanish Fly on Dragunov before hitting the Devlin Inside on Wes to get the pin, but Dragunov got the referee's arm at the count of two. Dragunov & McDonagh butted heads , but Dragunov backed off before Dragunov, Axiom & Dragon Lee hit running boot kicks on McDonagh, with Dragunov ending the sequence with a Snap-German Suplex. Dragunov chose violence and hit German Suplexes, leaping enziguri kicks, and lariats on everyone with his head busted open as he dominated the proceedings. Dragunov got Dragon Lee in the corner before hitting a DVD on Wes onto Dragon Lee before hitting a Big Senton on Wes. Dragunov climbed to the top rope, but McDonagh dropped him, btu that was until Axiom hit an enziguri kick on McDonagh before hitting a Triangle Moonsault on McDonagh & Dragunov to the outside. Dragon Lee & Wes Lee exchanged strikes on the top rope, but that was until Axiom joined them, but Wes dropped Axiom. Dragon Lee got Wes hanging from the top rope before hitting a Double-Stomp on Wes onto the apron.

Axiom laid out Dragunov & McDonagh inside the ring before hitting a double Northern Lights Suplex on both, but that was until Axiom went hold for hold with Dragunov. McDonagh kicked Axiom in the dome, but Axiom responded with a Gamonguri. Dragunov got McDonagh in a headlock, but Axiom got them in a double Fujiwara, but Dragunov got a headbutt on JD. Dragon Lee & Axiom got JD & Dragunov in holds before Dragunov got over everyone fo a pin, but Wes lee broke the pi with a Spiral Tap. Wes Lee went for a back-flip, but Axiom caught him with theGolden Ratio. JD Laid out Axiom, but Dragon Lee hit a knee strike on JD, but that was until Dragunov hit a shooter Spinebuster on Dragon Lee. Wes Lee kicked Dragunov before hitting a back-flip double knee-drop on Dragunov for a near fall. Wes went for a Hurricanrana, but Dragon Lee caught him and hit a Liger Bomb on Wes for a near fall. JD got Axiom & Dragon Lee and hit a Uranage on Axiom onto Dragon Lee before hitting a standing moonsault on the two for a near fall. Axiom got back up and hit the Rainbow DDT on JD McDonagh for a near fall.

Dragon Lee got JD on the apron and hit him with a Hurricanrana on JD onto Wes Lee, which allowed Dragunov to hit a Deadweight Superplex on Axiom before hitting the Falling Forearm, but JD, Wes & Dragon Lee broke the pin. Dragunov tried to take out Wes & Dragon Lee, but the two Lees attacked Dragunov with Thrust kicks, but that was until Dragunov hit a chop on Lee and a Lariat on Dragunov. Dragunov went for the Torpedo Moscow on Dragon Lee, but Lee caught Dragon Lee & Dragunov with the Cardiac Kick for the hard-fought win & title retention.

Winner AND STILL NXT North American Champion: Wes Lee.

- Pretty Deadly were trying to get a word with Hayes backstage, but Trick Williams stopped them before saying that they should go to jail because of how they are dressed up.

Unsanctioned Match.

Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller.

Gargano immediately began the match attacking Waller with everything possile inside & outside of the ring, btu was stopped after Waller clipped his knee. Waller argued with Vic Joseph, but Gargano threw himself onto Waller. Gargano hit a Slingshot Spear on Waller after he brought in a trash can into the ring before hitting him with a lariat. Gargano went for a Tope to the outside, btu Waller caught him with a trash can lid to the head before attacking him with a chair. Back in the ring, Waller powerbombed Gargano onto a trash can in the corner before trying to powerbomb Gargano onto a stack of chairs, but Gargano rolled over and caught him with an enziguri kick before hitting him with a Suplex onto the stack of chairs. Gargano set a table up and went for another Slingshot Spear, but Waller caught him with a knee strike. Waller hit a jumping knee, but Gargano responded with an enziguri, but was sent with a forearm strike. Waller slid to the outside, but Gargano threw a chair at Waller before catching him with a Canadian Destroyer on Waller onto the ringside floor. Gargano placed Waller on the table and went for a Splash, but Waller rolled off the table. Gargano walked to Waller, but Waller caught him with a Rolling Stunner before hitting an Awesome Bomb on Gargano onto the table before getting him back in the ring to get the win, but Gargano kicked out at two.

Waller got a chair and hit a sideslam on Gargano onto a chair for a near fall, btu Waller then retrieved a kendo stick. Waller attacked Gargano's back with the kendo stick before catching his ribs as Candice LeRae watched along from the front row. Waller then placed Gargano in front of LeRae and started attacking Garfano before getting a chair and trying to hit a chair shot on Gargano, but Gargano evaded and hit Waller with the kendo stick. Gargano brought LeRae in, which unleashed Death Match LeRae. LeRae hitting Waller with the Kendo Stick in the ribs before Gargano hit Waller with the stick before getting him back in the ring and hitting the One Final Beat on Waller for a near fall. Gargano hit La Mistica into the Gargano Escape on Waller, but Waller broke the hold by racking Gargano's eyes before hitting the Flipping Killswitch on Gargano. Waller got a trash can inside the ring before placing a trash can on Gargano's head. Waller got on the top rope and hit the Coast-to-Coast on Gargano, but Gargano kicked out at two. Waller opened the broadcast table and placed Gargano over it before placing a chair. Waller climbed to the top rope and went for an elbow drop, btu Gargano threw a chair at Waller's face before catching him and hitting a Powerbomb on Waller onto the table. Waller hit a low blow on Gargano on the outside before sending him back in and hitting him with the Rolling Stunner, but Gargano kicked out at two. Waller got another chair and attacked Gargano's back & ribs, but Gargano responded with a low blow of his own before attacking Waller's damaged back with a chair. Gargano set up another chair on Waller's neck before swing an chair onto the chair, which Gargano folLowed up by locking in the Gargano Escape for the submission win.

LeRae & Gargano reunited with Lumis & Hartwell after the mach.

Winner: Johnny Gargano.

- Pretty Deadly talked trash to Tony D'Angelo & Staks backstage before the two teams brawled backstage.

NXT Women's Tag Team Championship Match.

Kiana James & Fallon Henley (c) (w/ Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen) vs. Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre.

Fyre hit a cannonball on James while Henley attacked Dawn on the outside. The match began with Henley dominating with the early proceedings before hitting a springboard wheelbarrow into a bulldog on Dawn for a near fall. Fyre tagged in and caught Henley with a jab before hitting a Curb Knee Drop on Henley for a near fall. Dawn got Henley in a hold on the ropes before Fyre hit a thrust kick on Henley for a near fall. Dawn got Henley in a Guillotine before she & Fyre hit a Roundhouse kick/ Sunset Flip combo for a near fall. Fyre had Henley in the corner, but Henley evaded and hit a jab on Fyre for a near fall. Henley tagged in ames, who laid out Dawn & Fyre with shoulder tackles before tossing Fyre & Dawn to the outside. James then hit an Asai Moonsualt on Fyre & Dawn on the outside before sending Fyre back in the ring. James hit a Sheer-Drop Back Suplex on Fyre back in the ring, but Fyre kicked out at two. James got Fyre in a roll-up after Henley tagged in, who hit a running flatliner on Fyre for a near fall. Dawn & Fyre attacked Henley in the corner to regain the dominance of the match. Fyre climbed to the top rope, but Henley tossed Dawn onto Fyre before hitting a Diving Blockbuster on Dawn for a near fall. Dawn hit a lariat on James before she pushed James to the outside. This set up Fyre & Dawn to hit the Gory Bomb/ Flatliner combo on Henley, but James broke the pinfall attempt. Fyre & Dawn got Henley on the top rope, but James dumped Dawn out of the ring before she & Henley hit a Dropkick/ Liger bomb combination on Fyre, but Dawn came back in the ring to break the pin. Fyre hit a Gorebuster on James, which was followed by Dawn hitting a Meteora on James, but Henley pushed Fyre over Dawn to break the pin. James asked Jensen to bring the bag, but he froze. This allowed Fyre & Dawn to hit a backstabber into a Senton Atomico on James for the pinfall win.

Winners AND NEW NXT Women's Tag Team Champions: Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre.

NXT Championship Match.

Bron Breakker (c) vs. Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams).

The mmatch began with a tense staredown between Breakker & Hayes as the crowd got excited for the match. The two locked up before Hayes slammed Breakker into the corner. The two locked up again before Hayes went for a waist lock on Breakker, but Breakker broke the hold. The two locked up again before Breakker slammed Hayes onto the mat before he cornered him by crawling like a dog on Hayes. Hayes & Williams talked strategy, but Breakker pulled him back in the ring. Hayes ran the ropes and hit a dropkick on Breakker before doing Breakker's taunt. Hayes ran the ropes, but Breakker did a leapfrog over Hayes before hitting a shoulder tackle on Hayes. Hayes went for the Springboard lariat, but Hayes tripped before Breakker attacked him. Hayes went for the Springboard lariat again, but Breakker was not phazed and hit a Hurricanrana, a roll-through suplex and a standing moonsault on Hayes for a near fall.

Breakker got Hayes in a Guillotine choke before hitting a Guillotine Suplex on Hayes. Hayes tripped Breakker onto the bottom rope and stomped away at Breakker to regain control on Breakker before hitting the Springboard Lariat on Breakker for a near fall. Hayes got Breakker in a Fujiwara Arm-Bar, but Breakker reversed it witha Schoolboy for a near fall. Hayes hit an Irish Whip into a Chop on Breakker before catching him with another chop, but Breakker hit a chop on his own before hitting an Irish Whip into a hip toss on Hayes. Breakker hit a til-to-whirl body slam on Hayes, but Hayes kicked out at two. Breakker attacked Hayes's back before hitting a suplex on Hayes fo a near fall. Breakker got Hayes in a Torture Rack, but Williams pulled Hayes off the hold. The referee decided to kickout Williams out of the match, but not before Breakker hit a Tope Con Giro on Williams & Hayes on the outside. Back in the ring, Breakker hit a diving bulldog on Hayes, but only got a near fall. Hayes got back up and hit La Mistica/ Cutter before hitting a Suplex lift into another cutter on Breakker for a near fall.

Hayes saw the opening and climbed to the top rope, but Breakker evaded but that was until Hayes caught him with a pump kick before hitting a Slingshot Suplex on Breakker for a near fall. Hayes climbed to the top rope, but Breakker caught him and hit an Avalanche Frankensteiner on Hayes onto the mat. The two stared daggers onto one another before the two got back up and exchanged slaps & punches, but Hayes responded with a Roundhouse kick, but Breakker rolled over and went for the Steiner Recliner, but Hayes evaded and went for a Crossface, but Breakker slammed Hayes onto the mat. Hyaes racted quickly and locked in the crossface, but Breakker reversed it into a pin before spearing Hayes & the referee. Breakker locked in the Steiner Recliner, but the referee was down. Williams attacked Breakker with the title and placed Hayes over Breakker, but Breakker kicked out at two. Hayes went for another Springoard Lariat, but Breakker caught him with a Guerilla Press and went for the Slam, but Hayes reversed it with a Code Breaker before finally breaking Breakker with the Diving Leg Drop for the pinfall win, becoming the new NXT Champion.

After the match, Breakker handed Hayes the championship, passing the torch to crown a new ace in NXT. Hayes & Williams stood tall to end the broadcast.

Winner AND NEW NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

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