Ring of Honor Episode 279 The Villain Makes His ROH Debut!

Jonathan Gresham vs Marty Scurll

They shake hands before the match then Marty backs Jon into the corner for a clean break before taunting Gresham. Marty then chops Gresham in the corner then superkicks Gresham after they go to the outside from the apron as we go to commercial.

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We come back to Marty in control then they exchange chops before Marty drops Gresham with a back elbow. Marty then snaps the finger of Jon before locking in the Cross Face Chicken Wing for the tap and the win.

Winner: Marty Scurll via submission

-We then get a video package for Kyle O'Reilly and Adam Cole from Wrestle Kingdom 11.

Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin

They shake hands before the match then exchange wrist locks before Sabin sends Daniels out of the ring with an enzuigiri. Sabin gets him back into the ring then Daniels counters him and hits a delayed suplex for a quick 2 count. Daniels goes for Angels Wings, but Sabin counters and drops Daniels repeatedly before sending him to the outside and hitting him with a PK from the apron then a blockbuster. Sabin puts Daniels back into the ring and hits a missile dropkick for a near fall. Daniels comes back and hits a springboard moonsault into a Koji Clutch, but Sabin gets his foot on the rope. Sabin hits a tornado DDT for a near fall then a superkicks before they exchange strikes in the center of the ring. Daniels then hits a uranage into a step up moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Christopher Daniels via pinfall

Dragon Lee vs Will Ospreay vs KUSHIDA

They start the match by flipping around a lot then play to the crowd as we go to commercial.

-We come back to more recapping Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly from Wrestle Kingdom 11.

Lee puts KUSHIDA in an STF as we come back to the ring, Ospreay on the outside. KUSHIDA then goes for an armbar, but Will comes in and breaks it up. Ospreay hits a hand spring roundhouse kick then a Phenomenal Forearm that sends KUSHIDA out of the ring. Ospreay then back flips out of the ring and takes out KUSHIDA, only for Dragon Lee to take them both out. Once they're back in the ring they're right back out of it as Lee hits a huricanrrana that sends KUSHIDA off of the apron and into Ospreay, taking them both out as we go to commercial.

Lee and Ospreay exchange strikes then Will hits a series of moonsaults on KUSHIDA. Dragon Lee hits a dead lift German suplex on KUSHIDA, but Ospreay hits a shooting star press to break up the pin. Lee and Ospreay exchange strikes then KUSHIDA locks in the Hoverboard Lock when he catches Ospreay in mid-air, but he gets out. KUSHIDA then hits a fisherman's DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA via pinfall

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