Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 3/31/2023 edition of ROH Supercard of Honor from the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, California.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
ROH Supercard of Honor (3/31/2023).
- ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Eddie Kingston.
- ROH TV Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Mark Briscoe.
- ROH Pure Championship Match: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata.
- AAA Mega Championship Match: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Komander.
- ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) (c) (w/ Prince Nana) vs. AR Fox, Blake Christian & Metalik.
- Reach For The Sky Ladder Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (RUSH & Dralistico) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin)
- Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Daniel Garcia.
- ROH Women's Championship Match: Athena (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki.
- Zero Hour: Konosuke Takeshita vs. Willie Mack.
- Zero Hour: Jeff Cobb vs. "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams.
- Zero Hour: Stu Grayson (w/ Evil Uno of the Dark Order) vs. Slim J (w/ Ari Daivari).
- Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale vs. Miranda Alize.
Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
Zero Hour
- Ian Riccaboni & Caprice Coleman welcomed the audience to the Zero Hour of Supercard of Honor before transitioning to the opening match.
Jeff Cobb vs. Tracy Williams.
The match began with the two wrestlers doing some chain wrestling before Williams got Cobb in a Crucifix for a near fall. The two locked up before Williams got a knee lock on Cobb, but Cobb got a rope break to break the hold. The two locked up before Cobb got a headlock on Williams, but Williams reversed it with the leg scissors. Williams went for a headlock, but Cobb reversed it with a vicious Twisting Back Suplex. Cobb slammed Williams into the corner before hitting him with a body slam for a near fall. The two exchanged forearm strikes before Williams hit a chop on Cobb, but Cobb responded with a Mongolian Chop on Williams. Cobb got Williams and hit a Vertical Running Suplex on Williams for a near fall.
Cobb went for a Standing Moonsault on Cobb, but Williams reversed it with a Fujiwara Arm Bar. Cobb broke the hold, but Williams responded with a Saito Suplex. Williams hit two back elbows, but Cobb responded with a forearm strike. Williams got on the top rope and hit a Diving DDT on Cobb for a near fall. Williams went for a Piledriver, but Cobb reversed it into a Fireman's Carry but Williams reversed it with a Small package for a near fall. Cobb caught Williams with a forearm strike and went for a lariat, but Williams evaded before he went for a lariat on Cobb, but Cobb responded with a German Suplex before catching Williams and hitting the Tour of the Islands for the pinfall win.
Winner: Jeff Cobb.
- Nigel McGuiness made his ROH return as he joined the broadcast team for the remainder of the show.
Willie Mack vs. Konosuke Takeshita.
Takeshita & Mack began the match adhering to the code of honor before the two locked up. The two wrestlers then collided with shoulder blocks three times before Mack hit a slap on Takeshita. the two ran the ropes before Takeshita hit a leaping lariat to send Mack to the outside. Takeshita went for a diving crossbody on Mack, but Mack evaded and hit a lariat on Takeshita. Back in the ring, Mack hit a chop on Takeshita before hitting a running Hurricanrana on Takeshita. Takeshita hit a back elbow on Mack before hitting a Diving Hurricanrana to send Mack to the outside, which Takeshita followed up by hitting a Tope Con Giro on Mack to the outside. Takeshita tossed Mack back in the ring, but Mack got back up and hit a Tope Con Giro of his own on Takeshita to the outside.
Back in the ring, Mack hit three knee drops on Takeshita's back before locking in a chin lock on Mack. Takeshita broke the hold, but Mack responded by hitting a running clothesline on Takeshita. Takeshita ran the ropes, but Mack did a stand and switch and hit a running Enziguri kick before hitting a Samoan Drop on Takeshita followed by a kip-up before hitting a Standing Moonsault for a near fall. Mack hit a chop on Takeshita, but Takeshtia responded with two wicked forearm strikes on Mack but Mack responded with a dropkick. Mack ran the ropes, but Takeshita caught him with a Swinging Lariat for a near fall. Takeshita got Mack up and went for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Mack hit elbows strikes on Takeshita's neck before getting cravat on Takeshita, but Takeshita blocked it with a waist lock, but Mack reversed it with a POUNCE and a Stunner on Takeshita, but Takeshita got back up and hit a Stunner of his own before Mack connected a vicious Shinning Wizard on Takeshita. The two got back up before Mack hit a T-Bone suplex on Takeshita. Mack set up in the corner and hit a Cannonball senton on Takeshita's dome before he climbed to the top rope and go for a Splash, but Takeshita evaded and hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Mack. Takeshita got back up and aimed at Mack before catching him with a vicious V-Trigger on Mack for the pinfall win
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita.
Willow Nightingale vs. Miranda Alize.
Alize caught Willow with a forearm strike, but Wilow responded with a Wheelbarrow face-slam before hitting the Three Amigos/ Fisherman's Suplex on Alize for a near fall, followed by a basement cross-body on Alize for a near fall before Alize rolled out of the ring. Willow chased Alize across the ringside area before Willow went for a Tope, but Alize caught her with a forearm before hitting a spike basement Rana on Willow for a near fall. Alize got Willow cornered, but Willow got her in the corner and hit two knife-edge chops on Alize. Alize hit a running corner uppercut on Willow before hitting a basement Helluva kick, a leaping shotgun dropkick, and a Butterfly Suplex on Willow for a near fall. Willow evaded Alize with a cartwheel before hitting a knife-edge chop, an Irish Whip/ hip attack combo & a spinebuster on Alize for a near fall.
Willow got Alize up, but Alize evaded and hit a ripcord into a twisting neckbreaker for a near fall. Alize went for a cutter, but Willow pushed Alize off before she went for a suplex, but Willow evaded. Alize hit. dropkick on Willow's knee before spiking Willow with a DDT for a near fall, but Alize followed up with a Juji Gatame before Willow got a roll up for a near fall. Willow got Alize up and hit a Spaccoli Driver on Alize for a near fall. Willow went for a running Cannonball on Alize, but Alize evaded to make Willow crash at the bottom turnbuckle. Alize & Willow exchanged strikes before Alize hit a cutter on Willow. Willow hit a Wicked POUNCE on Alize before spiking Alize with a Dr. Bomb for the pinfall win.
Winner: Willow Nightingale.
Slim J (w/ Ari Daivari & Mar Sterling) vs. Stu Grayson (w/ Evil Uno of the Dark Order)
The match began with Grayson hitting two shoulder tackles and a corner spinebuster on Slim J before raining down punches on Slim J. Slim J hit a boot off the corner, but Grayson responded with an Overhead Release Suplex on Slim J to send him to the outside. Back in the ring, Grayson hit a chop on Slim J, but SLim J responded with two head scissor takeovers on Grayson, but Grayson responded with a Frankensteiner on Slim J. Grayson tripped Slim J on the apron before hitting a Senton Atomico on Slim J on the apron. Back in the ring, Grayson got Slim J on the apron, but was distracted by Sterling & Daivari before Sling J hit a Springboard Pele Kick on Grayson for a near fall. Slim J got Grayson on the middle rope before he argued with the referee, which allowed Daivari to attacked Grayson.
Grayson & Slim J exchanged Strikes before Slim J hit a Springboard Reverse DDT on Grayson for a near fall. Slim J hit a snap-mare into a karate kick on Grayson, but that move angered Grayson. Slim J hit two jabs, but Grayson absorbed the offense before connecting a lariat on Slim J, followed by a Uranage and a Springboard Twisting Asai Moonsualt for a near fall. Grayson got Slim J in a Guerilla Press, but Slim J reversed it with a sleeper. Grayson broke the hold and hit a pop-up Powerslam on Slim J. Grayson to Slim J in a torture rack, but Slim J evaded and hit a Standing Sliced Bread on Grayson for a near fall. Slim J dove off the top rope and went t for a moonsault press, but Grayson evaded. Evil Uno took out Daivari & Sterling out of the ring, which allowed Grayson to hit a pump-knee before connecting the Night Claw for the pinfall win.
Winner: Stu Grayson.
- After the match, Dutch & Vincent of The Righteous made their ROH Return to confront The Dark Order on the ramp.
Main Broadcast.
- Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman & former ROH Champion Nigel McGuiness welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.
AAA Mega Championship Match: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Komander.
The match began with the two locking up and going for some chain wrestling as the crowd chanted "LUCHA LIBRE" ecstatically. Komander got Hijo del Vikingo trapped in the legs before going for a pin, but Viking bridged to break the pin before reversing it with a Romero Special on Komander, but Komander broke he hold and fliped to land on his feet. Viking hit a double-leg takedown on Komander before the two exchanged chops, but the two wrapped their legs and exchanged slaps upside downs before exchanging cross-body splashes. The two ran the ropes before the two did a Matrix-like evasion to evade each other. Viking hit a Hurricanrana on Komander before hitting a Fosburry Flop into a Body slam, but Komander twisted over. The two got back in the ring before Komander hit a springboard missile dropkick to send Vikingo to the outside, which he followed with a Tope Con Giro. Komander set up a table on the outside before getting on the stage and hitting a running 450 Splash on Komander off the stage.
Back in the ring, Komander went for a Wlak-rope SHooting Star, but Vikingo evaded and hi two consecutive enziguri kicks before hitting an Implosion Rana, a dropkick, and a running Meteora on Komander to send him to the outside. Vikigo went for a Shooting star off the apron on Komander, but Komander lifted his legs to block the move. Back in the ring, Komander went for a walk-rope Shooting Star again, but Vikingo blocked it before hitting a Frankesteiner on Komander for a near fall. Vikingo got Komander and hit a Uranage on Komander for a near fall. Vikingo went for a double-springboard move, but Komander caught him with a Bomb for a near fall. Komander climbed to the top rope, but Vikingo pushed him out of the ring. Vikingo got don't eh ring post and bounced off the middle rope into an Inverted 450 Senton on Komander. Back in the ring, Vikingo hit an inside Out Phoenix Splash on Komander for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes in the ring before Vikingo went for a Powerbomb, but Komander reversed it with a Canadian Destroyer off the apron. Komander then got back and hit a Walk-rope Fosburry Flop on Vikingo to the awe of the crowd.
Back in the ring, Komander finally hit a walk-rope Shooting Star Press on Vikingo, but only got a near fall. Komander went for another Walk-rope, but Vikingo attacked the ropes and left him in the middle rope. Vikingo got on the top rope, but Komander went for another walk rope move, but Vikingo caught him and connected a Destroyer off the top to send Komander onto the table onto the outside. Vikingo saw this and hit a Running Springboard 630 Splash on Komander onto the table, but the crowd demanded the two to do it again. Back in the ring, Vikingo got Komander laying before going for a 630 n Komander, but Komander evaded to send Vikingo crashing onto the mat. Komander got on the top rope and hit the Hidden Ace (Reverse Phoenix Splash) on Vikingo for a near fall. Komander laid in the strikes on Vikingo before placing him on the top rope, but Viking caught him and hit aN Avalanche Swing-out Uranage on Komander. Vikingo hit a Meteora in the corner on Komander before hitting the 630 Senton on Komander for the pinfall win.
Winner AND STILL AAA Mega Champion: Hijo del Vikingo.
ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) (c) (w/ Prince Nana) vs. AR Fox, Blake Christian & Metalik.
The six men exchanged strikes to begin the match before Metalik's team hit dropkicks and stereo dives on The Embassy to the outside. Metalik then went for a cross-body on Linoa, but Linoa caught him and hit a Swing-out Uranage on Metalik. The Embassy then triple-teamed Metalik in the corner, but Metalik stopped it by hitting. acartwheel back elbow on Cage before tagging in AR Fox. Fox laid in the offense on Cage, connection two cutters on Cage before hitting a corner lariat on Cage, a Skim-cat cutter on Kaun, and a Tope Con Giro on Kaun to the outside. Fox then hit a Tope Con Giro on Cage before Metalik hit a Tope on Metalik. Back in the ring, Fox hit a Swan Dive on Cage off the top rope for a near fall. Fox went for a Blockbuster, but Cage caught him before hitting an F5 on Fox. Linoa tagged in and got Fox's leg, but Fox caught him with an enziguri before Christian came in for the hot tag. Chrsitian laid out everyone before wiping out Linoa on the outside with a Fosburry Flop. Back in the ring, Metalik hit a Splash on Linoa, but Linoa kicked out. The Embassy came back and attacked Metalik's team and specifically attacked Christian, but Fox hit a Sunset Bomb on Cage before Christian hit a Splash followed by Metalik's elbow drop for a near fall. Christian hit a DVD into a Lionsault on Cage, but Kaun caught him with a Gut Buster on Christian. Linoa stood tall, but Metalik caught him with a DDT. Christian hit a Canadian Destroyer over Metalik's back, but Kaun attacked Christina from behind before Kaun & Linoa hit a facebuster on Christian. Fox laid out Kaun while Metalik hit a dropkick on Linoa. Metalik got a Sunset Flip on Cage for a near fall, but Cage responded with a Swinging Lariat before Cage hit the Drillclaw for the pinfall win.
Winners AND STILL ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) (c) (w/ Prince Nana).
ROH Women's Championship Match: Athena (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki.
The match began with Sakazaki and Athena doing some chain wrestling before the two collided with shoulder blocks & lariats before doing stereo kip-ups. Athena caught Yuka with a forearm strike, but Yuka responded with an enziguri kick before sending Athena to the outside. Yuka hit a double-springboard cannonball on Athena to the outside. The two brawled on the outside before Yuka got Athena back in the ring. Back in the ring, Athena hit a Black Hole Slam on Yuka before laying two jabs on Yuka. Athena continued to attack Yuka's neck, but Yuka responded with a Jaw Breaker. Yuka regained offense and got a near fall on Athena off a roundhouse kick. Yuka sent Athena into the corner and hit an enziguri kick on Athena before doing a cartwheel off the top rope and going for a Rana, but Athena blocked it and hit a Triple-Awesome Bomb on Yuka for a near fall.
Athena got Yuka and hit a Torture-Rack codebreaker on Yuka, but Yuka kicked out at two. Athena argued with the referee before hitting a baseball slide to send Yuka to the outside. BAthena got Yuka on the apron and hit a Wheelbarrow German Suplex on Yuka. Athena went for a slide on the outside, but Yuka evaded before Yuka hit a suplex on Athena on the outside. Yuka then slammed Athena into the stairs before Yuka got to the stage and hit a running Swann Dive on Athena off the apron. Back in the ring, Yuka hit a Springboard Splash on Athena for a near fall. Yuka & Athena exchanged strikes before Yuka hit a vicious forearm strike on Athena. Yuka got Athena, over, but Athena rolled over before Athena hit a rolling forearm strike on Yuka, but Yuka got a rope break to get a near fall. Athena went for the O-Face, but Yuka met her at the top and hit a Superplex before hitting a Helicopter Faceslam on Athena for a near fall. Yuka climbed to. thetop rope, but Athena placed the referee in front of Yuka to allow Athena to hit Yuka with the O-Face for the pinfall win.
Winner AND STILL ROH Women's Champion: Athena.
ROH TV Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Mark Briscoe.
The two long-standing foes locked eyes to begin the match before Joe rolled out of the ring to adjust his elbow pad. Joe got in the ring and finally locked up with Briscoe, but Briscoe evaded. Joe leaned Briscoe in the corner before Joe started firing away at Briscoe's legs. Mark hit a running boot on Joe and went for a DVD, but Joe tossed him into the apron before catching him with a chop. Joe hit another wicked chop, but Briscoe responded with three wicked chops before hitting a Redneck Shote on Joe. Mark got Joe and hit the Spaccoli driver, but Joe rolled out of the ring. Mark sprinted onto Joe, but Joe hit an overhead suplex on Mark. Back in the ring, Joe laid in the jabs on Mark, but Mark laid in some jabs before Joe dropped him with a back elbow. Joe continued to wear down Briscoe with kicks and jabs before hitting a snap suplex on Mark for a near fall. Joe continued to lay in the jabs on Briscoe before connecting a leaping enziguri kick on Briscoe to send him rolling to the outside. Joe & Mark exchanged strikes before Joe tossed Mark out of the ring, which he followed by hitting a Tope Suicida on Mark. Jo got a chair in the ring and taunted the crowd, but Briscoe caught him with a sliding dropkick before hitting a Tope Con Giro off the chair to the outside on Joe. Mark got a table from under the ring and set it up, but Joe creeped from behind and tossed Mark into the ring post, but that was until Mark hit a running Blockbuster on Joe onto the table.
Back in the ring, Mark hit a head chop on Joe before laying in more chops on Joe, but Joe fired back with more chops before sending him to the corner, but Mark climbed to the top rope and hit a diving forearm on Joe. Mark went for a host tag on and hit Joe with an Exploder on Joe for a near fall. Mark went for a Jay Driller, but Jo reversed it with a headbutt before hitting a powerslam for a near fall. Joe hit a Liger Bomb into an STF on Mar, transitioning into a cross-face before Mark got a rope break while Joe was busted open from his nose. Mark laid in more chops on Joe before running the ropes. Joe hit a Saito Suplex on Mark, but Mark rose back up before Joe caught him with a lariat for a near fall. Joe went for the Muscle Buster, but Mark evaded and hit a running boot on Joe, leaving him in position to allow Mark to hit the Froggy Bow on Joe for a near fall. Mark went for a Torture Rack, but Joe got Mark in a Coquina Clutch. Joe tried to choke Mark out, but instead hit a sleeper suplex before locking in the Coquina Clutch to make k to pass out, giving him the submission win.
Winner AND STILL ROH Television Champion: Samoa Joe.
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Daniel Garcia.
The match began with Garcia & Tanahashi began with the two locking up before Tanahashi leaned Garcia into the ropes. The two locked up again before Tanashashi leaned Garcia to the corner with a waist lock, but Garcia switched his position and hit a chop on Tanahashi's chest. Garcia pulled Tanahashi from the hair before slamming Garcia into the mat. Garcia slammed Tanashi into the corner with an Irish Whip, but Tanashi responded with a diving cross-body on Garcia to send him to the outside. Garcia & Tanahashi brawled on the outside before Garcia slammed Tanahashi into the stairs with a drop toe-hold. Garcia then targetted his offense on Tanahashi's leg before dancing in the stairs. Back in the ring, Garcia stomped away on Tanahashi's leg before stomped on Tanahashi's knees. T
anashi & Garcia exchanged strikes before Tanahashi hit a running forearm on Garcia. Tanahashi laid in a series of body shots before hitting a body slam on Garcia. Tanahashi climbed to the top rope and hit a Senton Atomico on Garcia for a near fall. Tanahashi ran the ropes, but Garcia caught him with a sliding kick before hitting a Scissor Kick on Tanahashi for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes in the ring before kicking each other's knees, but Garcia responded by tripping Tanahashi and locking in a front-ankle lock. Garcia went for a Sharpshooter, but Tanahashi got the ropes before getting an Inside Cradle on Garcia for a near fall. Tanahashi hit a Dragon Screw on Garcia before locking in the Texas Cloverleaf on Garcia, but Garcia broke the hold by getting a rope break. Garcia hit a Stunner on Tanahashi's knee before hitting a German Suplex into a Running Knee on Tanahashi for a near fall. Garcia went for. a piledriver, but Tanahashi reversed it with a Neck breaker before hitting a Sling-blade on Garcia for a near fall. Tanahashi climbed to the top rope and hit a Frog Splash on Garcia for the pinfall win.
Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi.
Reach For The Sky Ladder Match - ROH World Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (RUSH & Dralistico) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin).
All the teams rolled to the outside to get ladders while Aussie Open & Top Flight brawled. Meanwhile in the ring, LFI & The Kingdom were in the ring before The Kingdom attacked LFI. The Kingdom got. aladder and went to attacked The OGK, but Top Flight hit a dropkick on OGK, but LFI came to the ring and laid out Top Flight. Dralistico got a ladder on Top Flight in the corner before RUSH hit a running Shotgun Dropkick on Top Flight with the Ladder. Aussie Open & LFI brawled in the ring before Aussie Open hit the Dental Plan on both RUSH & Dralistico. The Lucha brothers attacked Aussie open before they hit an enziguri kick/ forearm strike combo on Fletcher. Fenix. &Penta had Aussie Open in a ladder sandwich before hitting the assisted Inverted Code Red on Aussie Open. Davis attacked both Lucha Bros and took out the ladder, but Fenxi hit. walk-rope PK on Davis while Penta hit a Tope on Fletcher. Top Flight dove onto everyone but Darius was hit with a Doomsday Device on the outside.
The five teams brawled on the outside, with Fletcher hitting a Tombstone on Taven while Davis hit a Piledriver on Bennett. Davis & Fletcher chose violence and hit Dante with a Ladder Sandwich. Aussie Open tried to get the titles, but the Lucha Brothers took them out. The Lucha Bros tried to climb the ladder, but RUSH hit a Destroyer on Penta while Dralistico hit a Poison Rana on Fenix. The OGK got back in the ring. RUSH & Bennett climbed the ladder, but the two stopped themselves and got down so that they had a donnybrook by exchanging chops, slaps and more RUSH hit a headbutt on Bennett. Taven came in to make the save, but Dralistico hti an Overhead suplex on Taven onto a ladder. Dralistico got on the top rope, but Darius & Dante intercepted him before the two hit a Tornado DDT on Dralistico while hitting a chair-dropkick on RUSH. Aussie Open attacked Top Flight again, but Fenix came to the ring and attacked them but Aussie Open tossed Fenix onto the ladder. Penta came back in, but Aussie Open caught him with Double kicks before vealing Penta onto a ladder. Top Flight stopped Fletcher from climbing the ladders Darius climbed, but he instead hit a Spanish Fly on Taven. Bennett saw the chaos and climbed the ladder, but Dante stopped him before hitting a Sunset Bomb off the ladder. Dante climbed the ladder to get the titles, but Aussie Open caught him and hit the Corealis. Darius laid out Aussie Open, but Fletcher got Darius and hit him with an Alabama Slam on Darius onto a bridged ladder.
Dralistico laid out Davis with a DDT before hitting Fletcher with a Hurricanrana off the apron to the outside. Bennett got Dralistico and hit a powerbomb on a ladder before Taven hit a Splash onto the ladder on Dralistico. Dais was randomly laid out on a ladder. Abrahantes & Jose brawled on the outside while Fenix climbed the ladder, but Dante intercepted him on the ladder. Fenix got Dante and went for a German on Dante, but Dante slammed Fenix onto the ladder Penta greeted Dante on the ladder and exchanged strikes before Penta on a ladder bridge before Penta hit a Canadian Destroyer on Dante onto a Double-stack table on the outside. Fenix & Taven exchanged punches on the ladder before Fenix booted Taven onto the bridge as he retrieved the ROH Tag titles, crowning themselves as the new champions.
Winners & NEW ROH Tag Team Champions: The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo).
ROH Pure Championship Match: Wheeler Yuta (c) (w/ Jon Moxley) vs. Katsuyori Shibata.
Pat Buck, Christopher Daniels & Madison Rayne were the judges for the match.
The match began with Yuta & Shibata evading each other's kicks before they got a Greko-Roman lock-up. The did some chain wrestling before Shibata landed on Yuta's hips. Shibata got a waist lock on Yuta before locking in a sleeper before transitioning into a headlock on Yuta, but Yuta got a rope break to break the hold. Shibata caught Yuta with a forearm before the two evaded each other's offense ahead of a stand-off. Shibata tried. to get ground grappling on Yuta, but Yuta evaded. Shibata locked in a double wrist lock before locking in a head Scissor on Shibata, but Yuta rolled over to break the hold. Yuta tripped Shibata before going for a waist lock on Shibata, but Shibata reversed it with a Fireman's Carry Takeover before locking in a Figure Four on Yuta. Shibata pulled the hold and hyper-extended Yuta's knee. Shibata got Yuta right in the ring while before Yuta got a rope break. Shibata laid in the Anvil Elbow strikes on Yuta for a near fall.
The two locked up again before Yuta got a wrist lock on Shibata before getting a near fall on Shibata. Yuta targetted hisoffense on Shibata's arm and locked in the Juji Gatame, but Shibata rolled over and stomped Yuta square in the throat. Yuta got back up and hit a chop, but Shibata was not phased and hit a nasty forearm strikes before booting Yuta on the chest in the corner. Shibata went for a PK, but Yuta evaded and hit a low blow on Shibata while the referee was distracted before catching him with a jab in the face, which is not allowed in a Pure Rules match and gave him a warning. Yuta gained control on Shibata and hit a suplex on him for a near fall. Yuta laid in some chops on Shibata, but Shibata hit a vicious forearm strikes before stomping away at Yuta in the corner. Shibata lined Yuta up and hit a leaping dropkick. on Yuta before hitting a Butterfly Suplex on Yuta for a near fall. Shibata got Yuta in a rear-naked choke, but instead turned it into a Saito Suplex for a near fall. Shibata hit a series of chest kicks on Yuta, but Yuta responded by spitting on Shibata's face and laying a series of strikes and dropkick on Shibata. Yuta rolled through and got a wrist lock on Shibata before going for a waist lock, but Shibata rolled over and hit a forearm strike and a nasty, vicious, disgusting, brutal Headbutt before getting him in a sleeper into a PK Kick for the pinfall win.
Winner & NEW ROH Pure Champion: Katsuyori Shibata.
ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Eddie Kingston.
The two exchanged chops & uppercuts to begin the match before Claudio uppercutted Eddie out of the ring. Kingston got a chair and tried to attack Claudio, but the referee stopped him. The two locked up before Eddie got a series of body shots in a headlock on Clauio, but Claudio responded with a back suplex. Kingston hit a chop before getting a headlock on Claudio, but Claudio leaned Kingston on the corner. Kingston targeted Claudio's leg before forcing him to do a split. Kingston tossed Claudio to the outside and went for a Tope, but Claudio caught him with an uppercut. Claudio went for another uppercut on Eddie, but Eddie evaded to send him flying to the outside. Claudio laid in a series of strikes. on Kingston on the apron before catching him with a Suplex on Eddie into the outside.
Back inside, Claudio hit a double-stomp on Eddie before hitting a Flying Headbutt on Kingston for a near fall. Claudio got back up and laid in some strikes on Eddie, but Kingston responded with strikes. Claudio got Eddie and went for the GIANT Swing, but broke the hold because his knee gave out. Claudio got a lateral press for a near fall. Claudio got Eddie on the top rope and went for a Superplex, but Kingston responded with a dropkick on Kingston to send him crashing onto the mat. The two were on the top rope before Claudio hit a Superplex on Eddie for a near fall. Claudio continued to attack Kingston and hit him with a Double stomp. Kingston was dizzy, but he caught Claudio with a slap. Claudio got Kingston back up, but Kingston hit an enziguri kick on Claudio before clotheslining him to the outside. Kingston saw this and hit a Tope into a DDT on Claudio on the outside. Kingston continued to attack Claudio with chops before hitting a T-Bone Suplex on Claudio on the outside.
Back in the ring, Kingston hit a Diving Bulldog on Claudio for a near fall. Claudio & Kingston exchanged slaps in the ring before Kingston went for another Saito, but Claudio stopped him with elbow strikes. Claudio hit a series of forearm strikes before running the ropes, but Eddie caught him with the Stretch Plum, but Claudio got a rope break. Eddie hit a wicked chop to Claudio's back before hitting a Back-drop Driver on Claudio for a near fall. Claudio got back up and hit a German Suplex on Kingston. The two got back up and exchanged forearm strikes but Claudio hit two uppercuts & a swinging lariat on Kingston for a near fall. Claudio hit a knee-lift on Kingston and went for the Ricola Bomb, but Kingston rolled over and caught him with a Back fist to lay him out, but Claudio kicked out at two. Claudio & Eddie brawled in the apron before Claudio hit a Gut Wrench toss on Kingston off the apron onto the ringside floor. Claudio then slammed the barricade on Kingston twice to try to knock him out, but Eddie remained in the match. Back in the ring, Claudio went for another Uppercut and connected and thought he would get the win, but Kingston kicked out in the very last second. Claudio got Kingston on his knees and told him he would never get his respect, but Kingston caught him with two back fists. Kingston went for the Fisherman's Buster, but Kingston collapsed to allow Claudio to hit a Neutralizer, but Kingston kicked out AT ONE. Claudio hit another Uppercut, but Kingston kicked out at two to Claudio's shock. Claudio laid in a series of strikes on Kingston before hitting a reverse Uppercut and went for a Ricola Bomb, but Kingston reversed it with a Hurricanrana for a near fall, but Claudio reversed it with a sunset pin for the pinfall win.
Winner AND STILL ROH World Heavyweight Champion: Claudio Castagnoli.
- Wheeler Yuta & Claudio surrounded Eddie Kingston, but Shibata made the save for Kingston. Kingston & Shibata stood tall to end the broadcast.
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.