Good evening Fightful faithful, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will continue to enjoy your time with us for the next hour as the Cruiserweight division gets to strut their stuff!
Buddy Murphy vs Gran Metalik
They exchange standing switches and head scissors before getting back to their feet and running the ropes until Metalik hits a huricanrrana into a dropkick that sends Buddy out of the ring. Buddy ducks a baseball slide and sends Metalik into the barricade several times before rolling him back into the ring. Metalik hits the baseball slide he missed before, then hits a triangle moonsault before rolling Buddy back into the ring for a quick two count. Buddy sends Metalik into the ring post before kicking the back of his spine and putting him in a rear chin lock. Buddy beats Metalik down in the corner before setting him on the top turnbuckle and Metalik hits a sunset flip powerbomb. Metalik hits a springboard cross body before hitting a moonsault, Buddy pushing the rope and crotching him on the top turnbuckle before Buddy catches him in mid-air and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall.
Metalik counters Murphy's Law into the Metalik Driver for a near fall before Buddy sends him out onto the apron and drops him with a knee to the side of the head. Buddy then hits Murphy's Law for the pin and the win.
Winner: Buddy Murphy defeats Gran Metalik via pinfall with Murphy's Law.
Mustafa Ali vs Local Talent
Ali is in control for the entire two minute match as Hideo Itami looks on from the ramp before Ali finishes with the 045 for the pin and the win.
Winner: Mustafa Ali defeats a local performer via pinfall with the 054.
Cedric Alexander & Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak & Jack Gallagher
Cedric starts off with Drew who quickly opts to tag out when he sees how aggressive Cedric is being before Cedric takes Jack down with a side headlock. Jack gets back to his feet and starts to focus on joint manipulation until Cedric hits a dropkick and tags Akira in. Akira and Cedric take turns chopping Jack until he tags Drew who Akira drops with a right hand. Akira hits a PK into a jumping senton for a quick two count before Jack gets a blind tag and Drew and Jack double team Akira. Jack puts Akira in a variation of a bow and arrow before pinning his shoulders to mat for a quick two count, then Drew comes in and kicks Akira in the midsection before tossing him right back into his corner and tagging Jack in once again.
Jack drives Akira back into his corner when he tries to tag in Cedric before Jack just knocks Cedric off of the apron. Drew hits a rolling powerbomb for a quick two count before Akira comes back with a huricanrrana and finally gets the tag to Cedric. Cedric rocks Jack once he's the legal man before hitting his signature hand spring roundhouse kick for a near fall, then they exchange pin attempts until Cedric hits a Spanish fly for a near fall that Drew breaks up. Jack hits a running dropkick in the corner for a near fall when Cedric is distracted by Drew at ringside before Jack and Drew turn Cedric inside out with a lariat into a chop block for a near fall. Akira hits a missile dropkick and a series of kicks that sends Jack out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive and rolling Jack back into the ring.
Akira misses a high angle senton when Drew pulls Jack out of the ring and Drew sends Cedric into the ring post before Jack drops Akira with a right hand. Drew then locks in the Gulock for the tap and the win.
Winner: Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher defeat Akira Tozawa and Cedric Alexander when Drew submits Akira with the Gulock.