WWE 205 Live Results 4/25 Neville VS Jack Gallagher & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight Neville looks to have what he considers a tune up match when he takes on the always dangerous and eccentric Jack Gallagher in our main event! Be sure to come back here at 10PM EST for the main event and what should be a great show right after Smackdown! Live!

Rich Swann & Akira Tozawa vs Noam Dar & The Brian Kendrick

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Dar and Kendrick go right after Tozawa and Swann before they're sent out of the ring and Swann and Tozawa dive through the ropes and take them out. Swann sends Dar out of the ring and hits Kendrick with a front flip leg drop for a quick two count before chopping him in the corner. Dar knocks Swann off of the top rope, then Kendrick gets a quick two count. Brian tags Dar in who starts focusing on the left arm of Swann before tagging Kendrick back in. Kendrick and Dar isolate Swann until he finally manages to tag in Tozawa.

Tozawa comes in and drops Dar repeatedly before sending Kendrick out of the ring, then hits Dar with a high angle senton for a quick two count before sending Kendrick off of the apron. Tozawa hits a Saito suplex, then Dar hits Kendrick by accident before Tozawa hits a running knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

Mustafa Ali vs Tony Nese

Nese mocks Ali to start the match, posing and backing him off as Drew Gulak is watching at ringside. Ali takes Nese down, then Drew drops him with a kick to the midsection before Ali hits a huricanrrana. Nese goes out of the ring, then Ali chases him before they get back in the ring and Nese turns him inside out with a clothesline for a quick two counts. Nese counters a tornado DDT with a delayed suplex for a near fall, then Ali hits a bull dog. Ali hits a moonsault for a near fall, then Nese sends him face first into the second turnbuckle before Ali drops him with an enzuigiri, then hits his rolling neckbreaker before Nese rolls out of the ring immediately.

Ali rolls him back into the ring and hits a tornado DDT before going for the imploding 450 splash as Gulak drags Nese out of the ring immediately. Gulak talks to Nese at ringside, then Ali dives out onto Gulak, hitting a diving senton and rolling him into the ring. Ali rolls him into the ring, but Gulak rolls back out, then escapes as we go to commercial.

Winner: No contest due to Gulak interfering

Neville vs Jack Gallagher

They exchange headlocks to start the match, then sends Neville out of the ring with a dropkick before Neville grabs his umbrella and throws it up the ramp. Jack dives out onto Neville, then puts him back in the ring before Neville drops him, then hits a missile dropkick before stomping him in the corner. Neville hits a snap suplex, then hits a running forearm in the corner for a quick two count. Jack comes back with a series of headbutts before Neville whips him into the corner. Jack rolls him up for a quick two count, then dropkicks him repeatedly before hitting an exploder suplex.

Jack turns Neville inside out with a dropkick for a near fall, then dropkicks Neville, but he gets right back up. Jack headbutts Neville, then falls on top of him for a near fall, then Jack hits a butterfly suplex before he catches Neville on the top rope. Neville whips Jack across the ring and sends him face first into the second turnbuckle before running and hitting him with a boot from behind before locking in the Rings of Saturn for the tap and the win.

Winner: Neville via pinfall

-Neville then goes to lock the Rings of Saturn again on the ramp before Aries comes and saves him as we go off of the air.

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