Welcome to the WWE Main Event report for March 10, your commentary team for the show consists of Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton.
Jinder Mahal vs. Curtis Axel
The match begins with Axel chopping away at Mahal in the corner, Mahal fights back by kicking Axel in the gut before nailing him with forearm strikes. Axel recovers and he drops Mahal with a running drop kick, Axel kicks away at a dazed Mahal before missing a drop kick. Mahal then catches a dazed Axel with a knee strike for a knee fall, Mahal stomps then chokes Axel near the ropes. Mahal follows that up by clobbering Axel with a few rope assisted knee strikes and a baseball slide drop kick for a near fall, Mahal slows things down by holding Axel in a chin lock.
Axel starts fighting back and he nails Mahal with a plethora of punches and kicks, Axel then drops Mahal a few times with some clotheslines. Axel then hits Mahal with a charging shoulder tackle in the corner, Axel then hits Mahal with a rolling neck breaker and a low clothesline for a near fall. Axel looks for the Son Of Perfectplex by dropping Axel on the top rope, Mahal hits Axel with a modified neck breaker for the three count.
Winner: Jinder Mahal
We see a highlight package showing Goldberg defeating Kevin Owens to win the WWE Universal Title at WWE Fastlane.
Our first Raw Flashback of the night shows a returning Chris Jericho confronting Kevin Owens, Owens promptly tells Jericho that they were never friends and that he used him to hold the WWE Universal Title. Jericho then agrees to defend his WWE United States Title against Kevin Owens at WWE Wrestlemania 33, then Owens and Samoa Joe attack Jericho until Sami Zayn makes the save.
The next Raw Flashback shows WWE Universal Champion Goldberg and Brock Lesnar going face to face, which ends with Lesnar hitting Goldberg with an F-5.
Jack Gallagher & Mustafa Ali vs. Noam Dar & Tony Nese w/Alicia Fox
The match begins with Gallagher holding Dar in a headlock, Dar breaks free and he quickly tags Nese into the match as Gallagher rests on the top roe. Nese and Dar charge at Gallagher as Gallagher tags Ali in, Ali nails both opponents with a springboard drop kick as we go to commercial. We return from the break to see Ali working over the arm of Nese, Ali takes Nese down with an arm drag before tagging Gallagher back in. Dar distracts Gallagher and that allows Nese to drop him with a running forearm strike. Dar tags in and he wrenches on the arm of Gallagher before tagging Nese back in, Nese slams Gallagher to get a near fall.
Nese slows things down by holding Gallagher in the body scissors, Nese then applies the headlock to Gallagher. Gallagher catches Nese with a roll up from out of nowhere for a near fall, Gallagher drops Nese with a drop kick before tagging Ali in. Ali catches Nese with a hurricarana and a spinning heel kick, Ali then kicks Nese in the face before catching him with a rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Ali then hits a charging Nese with a boot to the face followed by a leaping tornado DDT, Dar interferes and that allows Nese to get the advantage for his team. Dar and Gallagher get the tag and Gallagher drops Dar with a forearm strike, Gallagher hits Dar with the running drop kick before cracking Nese with a headbutt. Ali tags in and he nails Dar with an inverted 450 splash for the three count.
Winners: Jack Gallagher & Mustafa Ali
The final Raw Flashback shows The Undertaker interfering in a match between Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman, then hitting Reigns with a choke slam.