Fresh off the announcement of a 14-episode renewal, Miz & Mrs. delivered their most intimate and emotional episode to date. The humour and charming interplay were still present, but with the imminent arrival of their daughter, Mike and Maryse were expectedly anxious.
Maryse's C-section is only days away and, for The Miz, finding the best way to capture the occasion on camera is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately for him, everyone he asks thinks he's better off leaving the film equipment at home. Not surprisingly, Marjo proves to be the most confrontational, getting into a George Costanza/Eric The Clown style exchange of words. Even Dolph Ziggler disapproves after Miz tries to hide a lens in the center of his shirt, making him look like Iron Man. I enjoy the dynamic between Dolph and Miz and hope to see more (backstage) sequences with them as the series progresses.
Proud Papa also sees the return of George Mizanin, who was one of the comedic highlights of Miz Takes the Cake. This time, instead of zeroing in on his frugality, we're told the story of a man who loves to show his son off to friends and strangers, but is unwilling to say the one thing he longs to hear; "I'm proud of you." Mike tries to explain it away as a family trait, but you can tell it bugs him. Hearing it second-hand (which can still be affecting) is fine, but eventually, George is going to have to stop gushing over The Rock and praise his child.
One of the tasks on Maryse's pre-delivery schedule is figuring out how to tell her mother that she doesn't want her in the delivery room. The dramatic tension, however, was undercut by the established relationship. We've seen that Marjo would do anything for her family, and even though she acts crazy, has nothing but her daughter's happiness at heart. Sure enough, it played out exactly as expected, and this felt like a cheap machination to add an extra commercial break cliffhanger. Marjo makes the most out of the situation, getting a brand new Louis Vuitton bag and a pair of Louboutin shoes for her troubles. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she planned it this way all along.
The third act begins with Mike bringing home a gift for Maryse. He gives her a ring that has their daughter's name inscribed on the inside of the band, a touching moment that made more people than just Maryse misty-eyed. A trip to the doctor's office reveals that Maryse's water has broken and it's time to go to the hospital. As someone whose daughter came 3 1/2 weeks early, you never know when it's going to happen. From here until the end, the footage is mostly taken from Mike's cell phone, understandably so, and gives you a look inside the delivery room and the moments right after birth. That said, I could've done without Miz's video-letter. It felt strange and out of place. Everything else was perfect. You see the genuine emotion of their first encounters with Monroe Sky, and how their lives have just changed forever.
It's impressive that we're only four episodes in and every person is clearly defined. There is something about each of them that you can connect with and it's that verisimilitude that elevates Miz & Mrs. above it's WWE Reality TV peers. If you're not already hooked, it's worth your time!