Stephen Amell wrestled just his third match ever, and first singles match, against Christopher Daniels at All In. Amell was not victorious, but his coast-to-coast dropkick was one of the highlights of the night.
During a Facebook Live session, the Arrow star reflected on the bout and gave thanks to Daniels for leading him through.
"I don't want to break kayfabe, but when it came time to select who we wanted me to work with at All In, Cody was very insistent that I be with a guy that has the nohow and wherewithal that Christoper Daniels has. He was nothing short of a lifesaver in the ring because about three-minutes in, I did what I anticipated would happen and what everyone told me would happen; I blew up. Couldn't catch my breath. I had no idea where I was. Being in there with a guy like CD -- I couldn't have done it without him."
Amell was unsure if he would return to the ring saying, "I don't want to get divorced and my hip hurts." However, he wavered a bit moments later, saying he had a blast and would probably have to do it again. Regardless, he hopes Cody and The Young Bucks involve him in some capacity should there be an All In 2.
After the video was released, Daniels returned the kind words.