Von Erichs: We Want To Get In The Ring With FTR, The Rhodes Brothers, The Hardys, And More

The Von Erichs name their dream matches.

Ross Von Erich & Marshall Von Erich were part of AEW and ROH events at the end of 2023 and early 2024, notably teaming with Dustin Rhodes on a February episode of AEW Rampage. The duo have not been back in AEW/ROH since February, but they do look forward to sharing the ring with a top team in AEW.

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Speaking on The Von Erichs Podcast, Ross & Marshall were asked about a dream match.

Marshall: Our favorite one we had was the Briscoes. That was one of the funnest. FTR is definitely up there. We want to get in the ring with FTR over at AEW. Then Usos too. I think The Usos would be a fun match because brother on brother, that’d be good action. Our favorite tag team when we were kids was The Hardy Boyz, and when they split up, we got so mad at them. We were so mad. We were little kids, and we were, ‘Oh, man. I can’t believe they’d do that to us.’ We took it personal, that they would split up like that. Me and Ross shook hands right there. When we’re a tag team, we’re never splitting up. We’re not gonna be anything like The Hardy brothers. We were super hurt by that. Also The Dudleys. The Dudleys would be a cool match to have.

Ross: Can’t forget the Rhodes brothers. We are definitely gonna do that one too at some point.

Marshall: Heck yeah. Which I think can happen, it still can happen.

Elsewhere during the interview, Marshall said they have a feeling they'll be signing with a company soon. You can find their full comments by clicking here.

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