WWE NXT Takeover Brooklyn III Results

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE NXT Takeover Brooklyn III! Tonight we have an action packed show as in our main event Bobby Roode defends his NXT Championship against Drew McIntyre, Asuka defends her Women's Championship against Ember Moon, SANITY look to dethrone the seemingly unstoppable force that is the Authors of Pain and much more so be sure to come 8PM EST for all of the action!

NXT Title Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Bobby Roode (c)

Terence Crawford Whoops Feet, KOs Austin Theory On 7/26 WWE SmackDown

NXT Women's Title Match
Ember Moon vs. Asuka (c)

NXT Tag Team Title Match
SAnitY (w/ Nikki Cross) vs. The Authors of Pain (c) (w/ Paul Ellering)

Aleister Black vs. Hideo Itami

Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas (w/ Zelina Vega)


Johnny Gargano vs Andrade Almas

Almas is in control to start the match, keeping Gargano grounded before Gargano comes back with a dropkick into an arm drag. Almas comes back and plays to the crowd before hitting Gargano with a dropkick to the back of the neck for a quick two count. Almas keeps Gargano grounded with a straight armbar before he gets out of it, then hits a spear through the middle rope for a quick two count. Gargano sends Almas out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside onto him. Gargano hits a slingshot DDT for a near fall before Almas hits double running knees in the corner for a near fall of his own.

Almas then hits a shotgun dropkick in the corner off of a distraction by Zelina before Almas hits a DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Andrade Almas via pinfall

Authors of Pain vs SANITY NXT Tag Team Championship Match

They brawl before the match starts in the ring and at ringside as Eric Young gets a table out from under the ring. They get back in the ring to start the match, AOP double teaming Wolfe as soon as it does. EY tags in for the injured Dain, Dain never having officially tagged in to join the match. EY and Akam fight in the crowd and at ringside before they get back in and AOP double team him for a quick two count. EY tries to fight out of the opposing corner only to be dropped for a quick two count.

AOP keep EY isolated in their corner and half of the ring before he fights out of an arm triangle and tags in Wolfe. Wolfe takes out Akam on the apron before dropping Rezar, following up with an exploder suplex to Rezar and a release German suplex to Akam. Wolfe hits a clothesline off of the top rope for a near fall that Akam breaks up before AOP hit a double team move for a near fall of their own. Wolfe sends Akam to the outside before tagging EY back in who hits a neckbreaker to Rezar only to be caught on the top rope. Rezar accidentally powerbombs Akam before EY hits an elbow drop off of the top rope for a near fall.

Both Eric and Wolfe hit topes to the outside before Nikki and Paul get in the ring and argue until she hits a cross body to the outside. Akam catches her, but Dain hits a running cross body that sends Akam through a table. They get back in the ring before SANITY hit a double team move for the pin and the win.

Winner: SANITY via pinfall

-After the match Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly show up and destroy both AOP and SANITY, making a huge statement and showing that reDRagon are back together and coming for the gold. 

Hideo Itami vs Aleister Black

They start the match off by kicking each other repeatedly before Black takes control, sending Hideo out of the ring. Black drops Hideo with a knee for a quick two count before Hideo hits a knee to the back of the neck of Black while playing to the crowd. Hideo hits a series of knee drops before mocking Black and sitting just like he does as we see that Black is busted open. Hideo hits a DDT for a quick two count before Black comes back with a series of kicks and a leg sweep before finishing with a knee to the side of the head. Black hits a high angle moonsault before Hideo comes back with a fisherman's suplex for a quick two count.

Hideo drops Black with a series of strikes before Black gets a near fall off of a roll up. Black hits a roundhouse that nearly knocks Hideo out before Hideo comes out of nowhere and hits a Michinoku off of the top rope for a near fall. They exchange kicks and strikes before Black hits a jumping knee only for Hideo to hit a falcon arrow for a near fall. Hideo hits a hesitation dropkick in the corner before Black hits the Black Mass for the pin and the win

Winner: Aleister Black via pinfall

Asuka vs Ember Moon NXT Women's Championship Match

Moon attacks Asuka immediately before hitting a basement dropkick for a quick two count. Moon hits a suplex before Asuka gets out of the ring to regroup, but Moon comes right out after her. Moon hits a cannonball off of the top rope on to Asuka on the floor before Asuka sends her into the ring steps. Asuka hits a suplex onto the ramp before tossing her back into the ring. Asuka does joint manipulation to Ember before hitting an STO, following up by pulling her arms behind her on the mat and kicking her head so she'll go face first into the mat over and over.

Asuka locks in an octopus stretch before transitioning into a seated Fujiwara armbar. Moon gets out of it only to be thrown across the ring with a release German suplex, Asuka following up with a cross face chicken wing. Moon counters into one of her own before Asuka starts focusing on her arm. Asuka gets on her back to attempt the Asuka Lock, but Moon counters and turns her inside out with a lariat. Asuka hits a running hip attack only for Moon to hit a suplex for a quick two count, the two exchanging strikes before Moon turns Asuka inside out with a jumping knee.

Moon hits a double foot stomp off of the top rope onto Asuka when she gets caught in the tree of woe. Moon hits the Eclipse for a near fall before hitting a superkick for another near fall. Asuka locks in the cross armbar before transitioning into the Asuka Lock before Moon taps for the win.

Winner: Asuka via submission

Bobby Roode vs Drew McIntyre NXT Championship Match

Drew backs Roode into the corner to start the match for a clean break before Drew knocks Roode down. Roode gets out of the ring to regroup, Drew all over him once he's back in the ring, tossing him into the corner. Roode mocks Drew after the referee makes him back off, then Roode hits a series of chops in the corner. Drew comes back and tosses Roode across the ring before tossing him out of the ring and to the floor. Drew chops Roode at ringside before dropping him across the top of the barricade.

Drew then hits a tilt-a-whirl slam onto the apron before rolling him back into the ring. Roode hits a neckbreaker in the ropes that sends Drew off of the apron and to the floor before hitting a blockbuster off of the apron and to the floor. They get back in the ring and Roode stomps Drew repeatedly before chopping him in the corner. Roode then hits a running clothesline in the corner and a hangman neckbreaker before whipping him hard across the ring and into the corner. Roode hits a missile dropkick for a quick two count before Drew gets out of a sleeper hold and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Drew comes back with a series of strikes in the corner before hitting a clothesline off of the top rope. 

Drew hits the Celtic Cross for a near fall before catching Roode on the top rope, Roode knocking him away at first, but Drew comes back only to get caught on the top rope. Drew gets caught in the tree of woe momentarily before hitting a spider suplex that sends Roode across the ring. Roode counters a Future Shock DDT into a backstabber for a near fall before Roode hits a powerbomb for another near fall. They exchange right hands and chops once they're back on their feet until Roode hits an enzuigiri, Drew countering with a Claymore, but Roode gets hinting on the bottom rope for a near fall. Roode rolls out of the ring before Drew hits a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Roode onto the floor.

They get back in the ring and Drew goes for another Claymore, but Roode counters with a spinebuster. They counter each other's DDTs before Roode hits the Glorious DDT for a very close near fall. Roode then hits another Glorious DDT before Drew hits a Claymore oout of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre via pinfall

-After the match reDRagon show up, then Adam Cole comes from behind and attacks Drew before superkicking him and holding up the title as we go off the air.

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