Welcome to the FIghtful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown! Live. I'm Ryan Cook and I'll be taking you through all of tonight's action as Randy Orton is set to continue his path of destruction on the road to Summerslam as he faces against Alberto Del Rio. Bray Wyatt looks over the title picture as Dolph Ziggler and WWE World Champion Dean Ambrose continue their feud on the way to a title match at Summerslam and finally, can Heath Slater beat Rhyno to win himself a spot on the Smackdown! Live roster? All these questions and more will be answered tonight so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST!
-We start the show with Randy Orton being interviewed backstage. He says he's the legend killer and mentions the Viperville thing. Alberto Del Rio comes in and says it sounds like a joke. Didn't last two minutes, basically to tease their match tonight.
-Next we have Bray Wyatt come out. I really think this is a good time to turn him face, the fans still love him, I mean look at all the cell phones when he comes out. Bray says he was a victim of the steel turnbuckle, not of Dolph, Dolph didn't beat him. Bray says that everything has been taken from him, but Dolph needs to understand that he cannot kill him because he is a god. Bray says for Dolph to ask Dean what he's like, mentioning how sharp his teeth are...Makes me think of Matt Hardy. Bray this is his show now, they're not puppets, they are masters. This is Bray Wyatt against the entire world. Dean comes out and says everything has changed, except Bray says he's acting like a victim. Dean says that Smackdown! Live doesn't belong to him, it belongs to the people and to the champion. Bray starts laughing and says that if he wants him to get off his podium so bad then come in the ring, but Dean is smarter than that. Dolph comes out next and jumps in the ring, attacking Bray and Rowan before Dean comes in; this will probably set up a tag match tonight. Bray goes for Sister Abigail, but Dolph goes to kick him, kicking Dean then Bray hits Sister Abigail on Dolph.
-They plug Randy orton vs Alberto Del Rio then American Alpha in action later tonight as we go to commercial.
-As we come back Dolph and Dean are arguing backstage, until Daniel and Shane break them up, saying they're having a tag, like I predicted.
American Alpha vs Jobbers
-Before the match starts The Ascension, Vaudevillians and The Hype Bros come out.
Jordan hits a dragon screw leg whip then tags in Gable, then tags back in Jordan. A double dropkick sends the guy in black out of the ring as Jordan hits a belly to belly then a spear. AA finish with a Grand Amplitude.
Winner: American Alpha via pinfall with Grand Amplitude
-After the match American Alpha take out all of the teams who were at ringside after they tried to come in and attack them, very strong showing by AA. They plug Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio again then the re-debut of Eva Marie up next.
-The Miz is interviewed by Renee Young at the set backstage. He doesn't say much as he and Maryse lean over the table and kiss as they show a video package for Apollo Crews. The Miz and Maryse lay on the table and look at one another, this is weird, they end up making out before they end the segment.
Becky Lynch vs Eva Marie
-Before the match Eva's top comes off...well then. She runs off with a towel before the match starts, this is an interesting gimmick, I wonder what they'll do next week.
WInner: No Contest Match Never Started
-After the match Alexa Bliss comes out when Becky says she'll face anyone as we go to commercial.
Becky Lynch vs Alexa Bliss
Alexa is in control as the match starts, it seems like it started before they came back from commercial. Alexa goes for three consecutive pins, complaining with the referee each time. Becky mounts some offense with a series of clotheslines, a dropkick and a forearm in the corner. Eva Marie comes back out and distracts Becky, allowing Bliss to hit Twisted Bliss to win her debut on her birthday.
Winner: Alexa Bliss via pinfall with Twisted Bliss
-After the match they plug the tag match tonight and Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio which is up next.
-As we come back they show Brock beating The Streak, then they show Randy invading Raw and Brock invading Smackdown! Live, respectively.
Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio
They talk a lot about Brock as Randy takes control early. Randy whips ADR around the ring, hitting him with a clothesline then goes for a pin after a catapult under the bottom rope, getting a quick 2 count. Randy sends ADR outside as we go to commercial.
As we come back we hear that Randy has been in control since some point during the break. Randy does his signature stomps and gets a quick 2 count. ADR hits a backstabber out of no where then sends Orton into the post and out of the ring. ADR misses some kind of move off the top rope, but Randy covers for him and gets a quick 2 count. ADR goes for a cross arm breaker in the ropes, but can't get the tap then Randy hits a superplex off the top rope. Randy then hits an elevated DDT then sets up for the RKO. Randy goes for it, but ADR smartly rolls out of the ring. Randy takes apart the announce table, but ADR hits Randy repeatedly in the arm with a chair.
Winner: Randy Orton via disqualification.
-After the match Randy hits an RKO, proving he can do it even with a bad arm. Next we see Rhyno and Heath Slater backstage.
-As we come back we have The Miz confronting...Scoobie Doo...Scoobie then steals The Miz's car? That was different and kinda funny, good way to plug the new DVD I guess.
Heath Slater vs Rhyno
Rhyno is in complete control as the match starts, just overpowering him. Slater plays to the crowd after a clothesline then goes for three pins, getting a one count each time. Slater goes for the cover a fourth time and get a quick 2 count. JBL just refereed to Slater as the Red Dragon, NJPW won't be happy. Rhyno goes for a gore and misses then hits it, getting the win.
Winner: Rhyno via pinfall with a Gore.
-After the match we have Bray and Rowan backstage, Bray asking Rowan to destroy and to be willing to give his life tonight as we go to commercial.
-Heath Slater is backstage, saying he won't join Smackdown! Live, leaving before they can give him the contract they were going to offer anyway.
Carmella vs Natalya
Carmella is very aggressive, but Natalya uses it against her. After Natalya plays to the crowd constantly, Carmella goes for a roll up, but only gets a 2 count. This match is all locks and holds, trying to play on how much the crowd like Carmella and hates Natalya. Carmella makes Natalya tap with...I don't know what it was, I've never seen the move before, but it was a unique submission. Good job by Carmella winning her debut.
Winner: Carmella via submission
-They plug Cena vs AJ Styles up next, they're going to do a big video package I guess.
-As we come back we get said video package, dating back 2 months. Afterwards Baron Corbin is backstage murdering Kalisto.
Dolph Ziggler & Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt & Eric Rowan
-Dolph and Dean argue about who will start, allowing Bray to attack Dean, but they double team Bray in their corner, Dolph coming in. Rowan lays out Dolph with a clothesline off the apron and outside as we go to commercial. Dolph and Bray are back at it as we come back, Bray missing a senton, trying to grab Dolph before he can tag in Dean, but he can't and Dean takes out Bray then Rowan. Bray tags in Rowan after he drops Dean with a clothesline. Rowan hits a brutal splash and gets a quick 2 count out of it. Rowan sets Dean on the top rope then hits him with clubbing fists, sitting him up on the top rope then kicks him off the top rope and out of the ring. Rowan tags in Bray who hits a brutal uranagi on Dean right on the edge of the apron, that looked so painful. Dean goes for Dirty Deeds, Bray counters then Dean hits a swinging neckbreaker as he tags in Dolph, Bray tagging Rowan in. Dolph hits a DDT on Rowan for a close 2 count, following up with a superkick, but it's caught, Rowan hitting a spinning kick for a close 2 count of his own. Dolph hits the Zig Zag, but Bray breaks up the pin then Dean sends him outside. Dean then goes for a suicide dive and messes it up so badly...I don't even know what happened there. Dolph gets the pin on Rowan amidst the botch.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall
-After the match Dean hits Dirty Deeds on Dolph as we go off the air.