Details Behind Jason Kelce's WWE WrestleMania XL Appearance

Jason Kelce appeared at WWE WrestleMania, helping Rey Mysterio after being seen partying with a Rey Mysterio mask after the Super Bowl two months ago.

Fightful Select has learned that former NFL Pro Bowler Jason Kelce and members of his team reached out to Danny Cage and The Monster Factory for training and to document his journey to WrestleMania XL.

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The 13-year NFL Veteran Kelce was not the only one training, though. The Philadelphia Eagles Offensive Tackle Lane Johnson was with him, who also appeared. The two spent hours in and outside the ring training.

Fightful Select was told that both Kelce and Johnson took to pro wrestling very quickly and were very respectful of everyone and the industry in general.

Both Kelce and Johnson showed interest in returning for some training in the future.

Fightful Select reported on April 2 that WWE had reached out to Kelce for a potential WrestleMania 40 appearance, and today reported that he was expected at WrestleMania.

WWE and the Philadelphia Eagles posted footage of Lane working out with Seth Rollins during the week.

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