Great War Over; Bray Wyatt Deleted

Matt Hardy won the Great War at The Hardy Compound.

This week was the debut of The Ultimate Deletion which has been created mostly by Matt Hardy along with his "Woken" character. During the last segment of Raw, Bray Wyatt arrived at the compound and the match took place all over the Hardy Compound including two rings. 

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The following is the entirety of the play-by-play from Fightful's live coverage provided by David Tees. 

The deletion starts with Wyatt arriving at the gate of the Hardy Compound and the gate opens by itself, Vanguard 1 appears and a holographic Hardy appears welcoming Wyatt to the compound. Hardy is then shown in a wrestling ring when his wife plays the piano, Wyatt stands on the ring apron and we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Wyatt now in the ring, Vanguard 1 appears to distract Wyatt so Hardy can nail him with strikes, Hardy then hits Wyatt with a Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail before dropping Hardy with a punch, Wyatt leaves the ring and he grabs a chair.

Wyatt brings the chair in the ring and Vanguard 1 sets off some fireworks to distract Wyatt, Hardy grabs the chair and he attacks Wyatt with it. Hardy knocks Wyatt out of the ring with the final chair shot and they battle into Dilapidated City, they battle until Hardy shows Wyatt that his old barn is at the compound. Hardy grabs a kendo stick and he attacks Wyatt with it, Wyatt gets it and he also nails Hardy with it a few times. Wyatt goes looking for Hardy and he arrives at the Land Of Obsolete Men, Wyatt swings the kendo stick and he hits the grave markers. Wyatt and Hardy then continue their battle in the forest as Wyatt throws him into a tree, Wyatt grabs a tree branch and he hits Hardy with it for a near fall.

Wyatt mounts Hardy and he assaults him with a plethora of strikes, Wyatt then throws Hardy into a garage door. The door opens and they have arrived at the Dome Of Deletion, they battle into the dome and Hardy smashes Wyatt’s head onto a piano and the ring post. Hardy grabs a ladder and he nails Wyatt with it a few times, Hardy gets on a lawnmower and he tries riding it over Wyatt until Wyatt gets to his feet. Wyatt grabs Hardy and he smashes his face into the riding mower, Wyatt then gets to the ring apron before Hardy drops him neck first on the top rope. Wyatt then knocks Hardy to the dome floor for a near fall, Wyatt grabs Hardy to attack him with more strikes.

Wyatt would then drag Hardy to the Lake Of Reincarnation before assaulting him with more strikes, Wyatt sets up for Sister Abigail when Vanguard 1 interferes and Wyatt grabs it before releasing it. Hardy goes under a boat and when Wyatt removes the boat, it turns out that Senor Benjamin was under it the whole time. Jeff hardy appears and he distracts Wyatt so Matt can hit him with a Twist Of Fate for the three count.

Winner: Matt Hardy

After the match, Matt Hardy knocks Bray Wyatt into the Lake Of Reincarnation, Senor Benjamin goes to retrieve Wyatt and Wyatt is nowhere to be found.

At the end of Raw, Hardy screamed that The Great War was "over" and Bray Wyatt had been "deleted". This moment on Raw was the culmination of Hardy's efforts to reclaim his creation since using the character in Impact Wrestling. 

Fightful Wrestling had live coverage of Raw and a recapping podcast after the show. 

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