MVP Recalls Paul Heyman Telling Him 'I Brought You Here To Replace Me'

MVP says that Paul Heyman has personally told him that he would like him to be his successor.

MVP's one-off appearance in the 2020 WWE Royal Rumble transitioned into a full-time role that has seen the former WWE United States Champion manage the WWE Champion on several occasions and get a new lease on his wrestling career.

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Speaking with Chris Van Vliet during a recent interview, MVP says that Paul Heyman has been a big influence on him and has even said that he would like for MVP to replace him.

"Well, you know Paul Heyman has been an extremely influential figure in my career. He's said publicly and privately, 'I didn't bring you here to compete with me, I brought you here to replace me.' That's praise from Caesar."

Asked what he's learned from Paul Heyman, MVP says that Paul has taught him the importance of presentation and context.

"Presentation. Everything is presentation. I can say a sentence to you one way and present it to you and that has a completely different context if I present it to you in another way. Same words, but it's all in how I present it to you."

In the past, MVP has talked about wanting to revive the lost art of managers in professional wrestling. Read more here.

MVP has also compared himself to Paul Heyman when they were working opposite one another in the 2022 program between Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar.

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