WWE 205 Live Results 11/28 Mustafa Ali & Cedric Alexander vs Tony Nese & Drew Gulak & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live. Tonight the journey to determine a new number one contender for the WWE Cruiserweight championship as in our main event we have a fatal four way to decide who will face Rich Swann next week and go on to face Enzo Amore for the WWE Cruiserweight championship. Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

Rich Swann vs Noam Dar

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They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks before Dar gets in the ropes for a clean break. Dar gets out of the ring and regroups with Enzo before Rich hits a tope to the outside and takes Dar out. Rich rolls Dar back into the ring before dropping him with a series of kicks to the knee. Rich hits a jumping splash for a quick two count before Enzo distracts him when he's on the top turnbuckle and Dar kicks him off of it for a quick two count. Rich come back with a back roundhouse kick for a near fall.

Rich drops Dar with another roundhouse kick before hitting the Phoenix Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

Jack Gallagher vs Kalisto

Jack takes Kalisto down before focusing on joint manipulation, then Kalisto turns it around and does the same thing. Jack reverses it and puts on a straight armbar before Kalisto gets to his feet and hits a springboard arm drag. The Brian Kendrick distracts Kalisto before Jack slams him down and beats on him in mount, then drops a series of knees across his midsection. Jack whips Kalisto across the ring for a quick two count before putting him in a straight jacket that he fights out of. Kalisto then hits a springboard meteora and the Salida del sol only for The Brian Kendrick to jump in and attack Kalisto before he can get the pin.

Winner: Kalisto via disqualification

Tony Nese & Drew Gulak vs Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali

Cedric keeps Drew grounded at first before Drew comes back with an elbow to the bridge of the head and tags Tony in. Cedric immediately gets Tony over into his corner and tags Ali in. Ali hits a deep arm drag into a straight armbar before dropkicking him and tagging Cedric in. Gulak gets the tag as soon as Cedric does, then Cedric sends Tony off of the apron only for him to trip him up when he goes for a hand spring roundhouse kick. Tony pure Cedric in the tree of woe before kneeing him repeatedly in the midsection and chokes him.

Tony tags Drew back in and Drew hits a powerbomb for a near fall before Drew puts him in a unique submission attempt. Drew knocks Ali off of the apron before Cedric can tag him in, then Cedric finally tags Ali in after Tony tags back in. Ali dropkicks Tony and hits a rolling facebuster for a near fall before Tony catches him on the top turnbuckle. They hit a doomsday device for a near fall that Drew breaks up, then Tony sends Ali into Cedric before rolling him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese & Drew Gulak via pinfall

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