Sean Raw Sapp (3/20): Podcast Notes, Foley Fired, Great Match, The Real Kevin Owens

Opening segment

  • Mick Foley comes out, reads his index cards of resignation, and goes off.
  • Stephanie McMahon cuts a great promo and FIRES Mick Foley. 
  • Stephanie was outstanding here.
  • Sami Zayn shows up to stand up for Foley, but Foley doesn't want him involved. 
  • Joe comes out and a match is set.
  • To add to this, as Foley is leaving Raw, he runs into Sheamus and Cesaro, which is really nice continuity. He also embraces Bayley, before Triple H taunts him with "have a nice day!" 
  • This was excellent TV.
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Samoa Joe defeated Sami Zayn

  • What can I say? This ruled. This was PPV quality, awesome stuff. This whole first set of segments was a great way to spend 40 minutes
  • Joe hits a crazy suicide dive, and Zayn with the bullet tornado DDT.
  • Zayn was able to get the edge early by hitting a tope con hilo on an unsuspecting Joe. Zayn is getting really good psychologically, picking where he does this move.

Charlotte defeated Dana Brooke

  • It's a bummer the week after getting "Dana" chants, the crowd just wanted Paige.
  • This is short and harmless, and Charlotte wins.
  • Dana Brooke needs to head back to NXT.

Backstage crappenings

  • Bayley guilt trips Stephanie for being evil. Stephanie responds by giving Nia Jax a shot at getting into the WrestleMania title match in a NO DQ Match tonight.
  • Stephanie isn't happy that Sheamus and Cesaro are getting along like peas and carrots (Sheamus is the carrot), and for hugging Foley. She books a 2-on-4 handicap match against their Mania opponents. They have to win to stay in the match.
  • New Day pre-tape. Probably a pretty good call.
  • Throughout the show we get GREAT Brock/Goldberg videos. Good stuff.

Talk Is Jericho

  • Chris Jericho shows us "The Real Kevin Owens," and shows a picture of 16-year old Owens in a Y2J shirt.
  • He also shows an Owens twitter DM of him asking for advice to not piss people off in WWE.
  • Jericho cuts a good promo and says Owens won't be able to hang with him in the ring, because when the bright lights are on at Wrestlemania. He'll shell up and become a fan.
  • Samoa Joe distracts Y2J and Owens jumps Jericho from behind. This was another good segment, on-fire. 

Brian Kendrick defeated TJ Perkins

  • I thought for sure we'd get Paige chants during this match.
  • Perkins starts out fast, furious and high flying, but the crowd is making a peep.
  • TJ Perkins has to act like a total moron and go off on the ref, then gets beaten.
  • Kendrick reveals he stole Tozawa's passport. Heh.

No DQ Match
Nia Jax defeated Bayley

  • Bayley always finds some unique spots to fit into her matches. Stuff I haven't seen before. Not like, giant spots, but cool, little stuff.
  • There's a really cool ragdoll spot from Nia Jax.
  • Nia holds a chair up to her face for Bayley to kick. Ok.
  • Wrestlers have to stop posting their hands before kickouts. It telegraphs things.
  • More CM Punk chants. Real winners. 
  • Nia Jax victorious, and is added to the WrestleMania match.
  • I guess Bayley is in the same kind of match Alexa is. Defending against all available Raw women superstars. All three of them.

Triple H

  • Triple H blames the fans for the shape Foley and Rollins are in.
  • He offers Rollins two tickets, but then challenges Rollins to sign a waiver so they can fight and he won't get sued.
  • I had a lot of people ask why Daniel Bryan couldn't to the same, but I'd imagine head trauma is a no-no even in storyline.

Sheasaro defeat Enzo, Cass, Gallows & Anderson

  • Graves is amazed Enzo didn't reference B.I.G in Brooklyn.
  • The Club, Enzo and Cass take each other out immediately, and Sheamus hits a Brogue kick. Like, okay.

Austin Aries defeated Tony Nese

  • Austin Aries is getting NO showcase matches. I'm told they're having him knock the rust off. Either way, he vs. Neville is a solid WrestleMania match.
  • This match is also solid, and Aries picks up the win. 
  • Neville comes out and he and Aries go back and forth. Aries does a decent British accent. 
  • Aries finish is called the "Discus Fivearm." Oh.

Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman

  • That YA BOY shirt is all over TV!
  • Someone is under the ring. 
  • Destroy the stupid vest, Braun.
  • This is much slower paced than their Fastlane match.
  • Roman goes from throwing terrible clotheslines to some pretty awesome forearms.
  • Strowman and Reigns turn the heat up, but the lights go out!! The Undertaker is here!!!
  • Taker chokeslams Strowman, who bumps like a bad ass. SPEAR! Reigns don't give a shit.
  • The Undertaker sits up and we're off the air!
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