Sean RAW Sapp: Undertaker, Jericho, Goldberg, Kevin Owens, Brock Lesnar

Jericho is back!

  • Jericho's feelings are still hurt from Kevin Owens' attack during the Festival of Friendship. Jericho wants KO face-to-face.
  • Owens says that Jericho was never his best friend, Jericho was a tool that he used, and a good one. 
  • KO reveals that Jericho accepting the match with Goldberg was the final straw.
  • The Friends of Jericho. That'll get over.
  • Owens wants to take Jericho's title, this is tying up a lot of loose ends. Really, really good.
  • The two brawl, but Samoa Joe comes out! Sami Zayn makes the save. This will make for a fantastic tag match down the line.
RGIII Compares Jalen Hurts' Super Bowl LIX Victory To Cody Rhodes Finishing His Story

Kevin Owens defeated Sami Zayn

  • For now, we get Owens vs. Zayn. I'm okay with their feud never really ending. 
  • Owens' pumphandle neckbreaker over the knee always looks sick. He wins in short fashion. 
  • Zayn isn't hurt a bit by this loss. I'm sure some will be upset, though.

Cruiserweight Championship
Neville (c) defeated Rich Swann

  • I really love Austin Aries explaining that Swann made a good move asking for his title rematch after a grueling Neville match.
  • More dolts chanting "CM Punk." Despite that, Neville and Swann get the crowd into it early. They chant "Austin Aries" alter.
  • Swann took some disgusting spots into the top and side of the apron. Starting to wonder if these guys have any restrictions with some of the bumps they're taking.
  • Rich Swann with a Falcon Arrow, one of wrestling's great, underrated moves.
  • There's a guy in a hilarious Rick Steiner outfit in the crowd.
  • This is already the best Cruiserweight match we've seen on Raw. The detriment of 205 Live is that they have to put important angles on there, and Raw doesn't get as many.
  • Neville wins with the Rings of Saturn. Outstanding 14-15 minutes of wrestling.
  • Austin Aries interviews Neville, but the crowd is chanting for Aries. Neville says nobody is on his level, but the crowd chants for Aries. 
  • Neville runs Aries down for being an announcer. It seems like they're stretching this segment out. It's working great.
  • It seems like Aries has been out a lot longer than 4.5 months.
  • Aries decks Neville!
  • This has been an outstanding first hour.

Backstage Crappenings

  • Enzo and Cass run into Sheasaro. Enzo and Cass have a re-match. Normally I'd think this was pointless, but they deserve it after the finish of last night's match.
  • Rick Rude in the Hall of Fame! His "T-Bone steak" promo took about 20 seconds and is one of my favorite of all-time.
  • Stephanie is mad at Mick. Tells him to follow her to his office if he wants to "have a nice day." SIR!

Goldberg's celebration

  • Goldberg didn't ram his head into a locker, so we're off to a good start.
  • Lots of boos for Goldberg. We haven't heard much of that yet. 
  • "CM Punk" chants. C'mon. 
  • Heyman interrupts and says he's not alone. He brings out Brock Lesnar.
  • Lesnar and Goldberg face off, Heyman cuts a promo. Heyman gains Goldberg's attention by calling him Brock's bitch. Brock F5's Goldberg!

Raw Tag Team Championship
Guns & Gallows (c) defeated Enzo & Cass via DQ

  • Enzo sticking with his great selling, which is becoming more of a strong suit than his mic work.
  • Sheasaro get bumped into and a donnybrook erupts. Sheasaro stand tall.
  • Enzo & Cass vs. Sheasaro for a title shot at WrestleMania is set for next week.
  • More CM Punk chants.

Akira Tozawa defeated Ariya Daivari

  • This was quick and harmless. Toazawa screamed and won. 
  • He and Kendrick talk some trash. They'll have a match sooner or later.

New Day (w/ Xavier Woods) defeated Shining Stars 

  • Ice cream. Match. New Day win. They saved all the pointless shit for hour two.

Women's Title Situation

  • Bayley said she isn't happy winning the way that she did, as she talks to Foley. Sasha Banks comes out and challenges her friend. Foley says it sounds good.
  • Charlotte comes out and says Sasha only helped to get a title shot. Stephanie is out and agrees.
  • Bayley vs. Sasha is booked for RIGHT MEOW. If Sasha wins, she's in. Oh shooooooooooot.

Sasha Banks defeated Bayley

  • This was good, fundamentally sound stuff.
  • Sasha Banks turns it up and starts throwing strikes.
  • Any time I see a Banks Statement or Captain's Hook, I just want the opponent to sit out. 
  • Sasha Banks wins, and Charlotte attacks. This match is going to be fantastic.

Triple H

  • A Seth Rollins rehab video is shown. Triple H is live via satellite and puts over WWE's medical care.
  • He says Rollins has to tell everyone he's the man because nobody believes it.
  • They're really positioning this as a call out instead of a match.

Samoa Joe defeated Chris Jericho via countout

  • They are really burning through these first-time WWE matches for Samoa Joe. 
  • They have a quick back-and-forth match until Joe puts Jericho in the Kokina Clutch on the floor for a countout win.
  • Maybe Joe can steal the Berzerker countout gimmick. Jericho hits a Codebreaker back in the ring.

Main event segment

  • Strowman wants Reigns NOWWWWWWW.
  • He gets the Undertaker instead!
  • Strowman backs down. Crowd isn't happy.
  • Reigns says this is his yard now.
  • "Roman sucks" chants and a chokeslam! WE'RE OUTTA TIME!!!
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