WWE's Raw Youtube Numbers For Raw After Mania Are Huge (4/3)

The Raw after Mania was a giant hit for WWE's Youtube numbers.

In all, a half-dozen videos reached over (or right under) one million views, with a Goldberg Raw Talk farewell hitting big at 2.5 million. Kurt Angle. Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, The Hardy Boyz, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns all proved to be huge for the WWE Monday night. 

Joe Hendry To Appear At HOG Wrestling On September 29

Below are Raw after Mania Youtube rankings as of 4:20 PM EST


  1. Kurt Angle is Raw GM! (1,973,789)
  2. Lesnar and Strowman (1,949,951)
  3. Hardy Boyz defend (1,808,742)
  4. Tag team main event (1,127,996)
  5. Roman Reigns' yard (999,259)
  6. Mr.McMahon is back! (530,927)
  7. Revival debut! (510,260)
  8. 6-Woman Tag (458,185)
  9. Jericho attacked (398,359)
  10. Tag contender match (370,256)
  11. Neville vs. Mustafa Ali (302,317)
  12. Zayn vs. Mahal (276,093)


  1. Goldberg says goodbye (2,500,730)
  2. Hardy Boyz photo shoot (285,002)
  3. Sasha and Bayley (263,368)
  4. Emma doesn't care (147,944)
  5. Revival relish their shot (111,860)
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