recently interviewed Ring Of Honor's Shane Taylor. You can see one of our exclusive stories from the interview at this link, which originally aired on The List & Ya Boy.
His friendship with Keith Lee after their split:
"We're still close. Keith is the man. I'm incredibly proud of him getting to go all over the world and showcase his talents. I couldn't be any happier for him. We were doing our thing as a team and we still do outside TV company stuff. Ultimately, when him and I talked, we decided, 'You do the best thing for you and your family and I do the best for mine,' and the goal when we teamed up is for the both of us to get jobs. It just so happens that it was for two different companies,"
Keith Lee leaving ROH for EVOLVE:
"I didn't know for sure. I knew he was weighing a lot of options, but like I told him, my job is to be a star with or without him. In my head, I knew what he was leaning towards so I had to mentally prepare to be solo and if he decided to stay, cool. If he had decided to go elsewhere, that's no problem. That was the way I approached it,"
Moving to a singles career:
"It's been fun. I was a singles wrestler and I have been one for most of my career outside of teaming up with Keith. It was just sort like going back to normal for me. I had the brief stint with Rebellion with Kenny King and what's that allowed is for me, to do in that group is to ease my way back into things and find my own voice and that's transformed into the performer I am now."
"Tim Storm's great. He's a real old school dude, real professional. Hard worker, hard hitter. He's the guy they need right now, and he's shouldering that load. That's a lot of pressure when you're dealing with the legacy of those three letters. Anybody who can do it the way that Tim has with that class, is one of the best."