Impact Wrestling Xplosion 2/26/20 Results: oVe vs. The Deaners & A Katie Forbes Interview

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oVe (Jake Crist & Madman Fulton) vs. The Deaners (Cody & Cousin Jake)

The match begins with oVe attacking The Deaners before the bell sounded, Crist and Cody battle in the ring while Fulton and Jake battle on the arena floor. Cody gains control and he stomps away on a cornered Crist, Cody clears the ring before taking out oVe with a dive. Cody gets Fulton back in the ring, Fulton catches a leaping Cody and oVe nails him with a super cutter a short time later. Jake hits the ring and he knocks Fulton out of it, Jake drops Crist before nailing him with strikes as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Crist working over Jake before getting a near fall, Fulton tags in and Jake gets double teamed. Fulton drops Jake with a suplex throw before attacking Cody, Jake fights back and Fulton nails him with a choke slam for a near fall. Crist tags in and he nails a trapped Jake with a few kicks, Fulton tags back in and he nails Jake with a top rope stomp.

Crist tags in and he gets Jake in a chin lock to keep him down, Jake gets free after he nails Crist with a back suplex. Fulton interferes and he nails Cody with a choke slam on the ring apron, Crist accidentally nails Fulton with a super kick. Fulton leaves the ring and Jake nails him with a suicide dive, Cody tags in and he rolls up Crist for a three count.

Winners: The Deaners (Cody & Cousin Jake)

- Around The Ring w/Gabby Loren is up next and tonight’s guest is Katie Forbes, Forbes says she acts in real life just like she does on TV. Forbes says she and Rob Van Dam like to sleep a lot, Forbes talks about what workouts she does to make her behind look good. Forbes says she loves doing photo shoots and dancing when not wrestling, Forbes says she knew that she was going to be famous since she was a kid. Forbes says RVD gives her a lot of tips when it comes to pro wrestling.

- This weeks Classic Match Of The Week is Jeff Hardy versus Mr. Anderson from TNA Against All Odds 2011.

- Highlights are shown of the third match in the best of five series between Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards.

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