WWE NXT UK Results for 1/16/20 Dave Mastiff vs Kassius Ohno

Good afternoon Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of today's edition of WWE NXT UK!

-We open the show with a video recapping NXT UK Takeover:Blackpool II before we get several still highlights of the matches.

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A-Kid vs Joseph Conners

They lock up before A takes Joe down and gets a quick two count off of a back slide before they exchange and roll around on the mat. A hits an arm drag into a dropkick for two before Joe sends A into the middle turnbuckle and hits a slingshot bulldog for two. Joe suplexes A for two before hitting a falcon arrow for another two count before hitting a running side slam for two. A dropkicks Joseph and hits a German suplex into a northern lights suplex for two before hitting a suicide dive. A superkicks Joe before hitting a moonsault to the outside and tossing Joe back into the ring before hitting a diving cross body. Joe rolls through and goes for Don't Look Down, but A rolls through for two before hitting a crucifix for another two count.

A kicks Joe before Joe hits a backbreaker into a neck snap for two before hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. A catches Joe when he goes for a moonsault and locks in an armbar before transitioning into a triangle, but Joe powers out. Joe then hits Don't Look Down for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joseph Conners defeats A-Kid via pinfall with Don't Look Down.

-We go backstage to officials trying to keep Tyler Bate and Jordan Devlin apart before we get an interview with Gallus backstage after retaining their titles.

-We get a video recapping the split between Jinny and Jazzy Gabbert before it's announced that Jazzy will be in action against Killer Kelly next week.

-We get a recap of the NXT UK Women's Championship Triple Threat match before we go to a post match interview with Toni Storm.

-We get a recap of Undisputed Era attacking Imperium before two of the four competitors for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship and that there will be two qualifying match beginning next week with Ligero and Jordan Devlin and Travis Banks and The Brian Kendrick.

Kassius Ohno vs Dave Mastiff

They lock up and have a test of strength that Dave wins before taking Ohno down, but he's quickly up. Ohno slaps Dave who dropkicks Ohno before hitting a scoop slam and Ohno sends Dave into the post before locking in a cravat. Ohno hits a rolling senton and locks in another cravat before Dave hits a back suplex to get free before dropping Ohno and hitting several rolling sentons into a running back senton for two. Ohno counters Into the Void with a sunset flip for two before Dave hits a release German suplex and a rolling senton off of the top. Dave then hits Into the Void for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dave Mastiff defeats Kassius Ohno via pinfall with Into the Void.

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