WWE 205 Live Results for 6/25/21 Jiro vs Daivari, Grey vs Grayson

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of WWE 205 Live!

Ikemen Jiro vs Ariya Daivari

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Ariya kicks Jiro down before Jiro comes back with a pair of arm drags before Ariya locks in a side headlock that Jiro reverses before Ariya drops him with a shoulder block before Jiro slams Ariya and gets two off of a clutch before Ariya hits a neckbreaker off of the apron and locks in a sleeper once they're back inside. Jiro backs Ariya into the corner before Ariya kicks him and the two exchange strikes before Jiro hits a jawbreaker and an asai moonsault before hitting a diving senton for a deep two count before Daivari gets a near fall off of a spike DDT. Ariya then kicks Jiro from the apron before missing a frog splash and Jiro pins Ariya with his finisher for the win.

Winner: Ikemen Jiro defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

August Grey vs Grayson Waller

The two lock up before Grayson takes August down onto the mat and they get back to their feet before August hits Grayson with a hip toss and they shove each other before August shoves Grayson down onto the mat. Grayson beats on August before putting him in the tree of woe and applies an Argentine torture rack before August comes back with a diving corkscrew cross body and a triangle. Grayson then gets free and hits a high angle curb stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Grayson Waller defeats August Grey via pinfall.

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