WWE Smackdown! Live Results 5/30 WWE Smackdown! Women's Championship #1 Contender Fatal Five Way Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown! Live! Tonight we in our main event we have a fatal five way to determine who will challenge Naomi for the WWE Smackdown! Women's Championship at Money in the Bank and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

-We open the show with Kevin Owens and the Highlight Reel where he talks about how he's going to win the Money in the Bank ladder match. Shinsuke Nakamura comes out and interrupts him before he's interrupted by Corbin. Corbin belittles Shinsuke and shows highlights of the beating he put on Sami Zayn last week. Sami comes out and saves Shinsuke before they clear the ring as we go to commercial.

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Shinsuke Nakamura & Sami Zayn vs Baron Corbin & Kevin Owens

Sami is in control of Owens until he rollout of the ring, then gets caught coming back in, Kevin stomping on him before tagging in Corbin. Sami tries to come back, but Kevin drops him with an enzuigiri from the apron before he gets the tag. Corbin then powerslams Sami as we go to commercial.

Corbin and Kevin are in control until Sami manages to get to his corner and tag in Shinsuke, then Kevin gets sent into Corbin who drops him. Shinsuke then hits the Kinshasha for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall

-The Usos come out before they're interrupted by The New Day who make their Smackdown! Live debut before staking their claim for the WWE Smackdown! Live Tag Team Championship as we go to commercial.

-We come to a recap of everything Jinder has said and done so far and him on various news networks around the world. Next we get a Fashion Police segment with Tyler Breeze in drag with a black and white filter. 

WWE Smackdown! Live Women's Championship Fatal Five Way Elimination Match

-They brawl in the ring and out of it before the match even starts, then Becky takes out Carmella before Charlotte takes out Tamina, then Natalya takes out Charlotte. Charlotte then puts Natalya through a table before Shane McMahon comes out to the ring. Shane then makes the first ever women's money in the bank match as we go to commercial.

Winner: Match never started

Breezango vs The Colons

Tyler and Primo start it off with Primo beating on Tyler and disrobing him until Tyler comes back with a dropkick and tags in Fandango who's wearing a trench coat. Fandango sprays both Colons before clearing the ring as we go to commercial.

Epico is in control of Fandango as we come back from commercial, getting a series of quick two counts. Fandango hits a sunset flip powerbomb before Tyler gets tagged in and takes out both Colons with an enzuigiri. Tyler then hits a superkick to Epico for the pin and the win.

Winner: Breezango via pinfall

-After the match we have AJ Styles interviewed backstage about how he intends to win the Money in the Bank ladder match before he's interrupted by Dolph Ziggler. Dolph says that he's the only person in the match who's actually won the match and cashed in and won the belt. They start to fight, but Dolph backs down as we go to commercial.

-Randy Orton comes out and talks about losing the WWE Championship at Backlash and how he intends to get the belt back in his home town of St.Louis. Jinder then shows up on the big screen and talks about how bad America is and how Randy will never win the belt.

AJ Styles vs Dolph Ziggler

They start grappling for a not so clean break when Dolph elbows AJ from behind, then AJ dropkicks him before AJ is sent shoulder first into the ring post and out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to AJ coming back against Dolph with a spinning neckbreaker and a series of strikes before hitting a sliding forearm for a quick two count. AJ hits a sit-out facebuster for a near fall, then Dolph rolls him up before AJ hits an ushigaroshi for another near fall. AJ hits a suplex into the corner, then Dolph hits a DDT before AJ counters a Famouser. Dolph goes for a superplex, but AJ counters, then locks in a calf killer, but Dolph kicks his way out of it before hitting a Zig Zag for a near fall. AJ counters a superkick, then Dolph counters a Phenomenal Forearm into a superkick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall

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